Aero Engineering 315 Lesson 27 Gliding and Climbing Flight
Lesson Objectives Write Equations of Motion for power-off glide Calculate glide angle, glide range, sink rate, velocity for min sink and velocity for max glide range given T-38 charts or a drag polar Know points where min sink and max glide range occur State situations appropriate to fly at above speeds Write Equations of Motion for steady climb Calculate climb angle, ROC, Max AOC, and Max ROC given T-38 chart or drag polar Know points where max AOC and ROC occur Find the velocities for max AOC and ROC State situations appropriate to fly at above speeds Define absolute, service and combat ceilings
When Max Excess Thrust = 0
Climbs and glides summary Gliding Flight Glide angle Glide range Sink rate Climbing Flight Climb angle Climb rate Ceilings Results in just six separate parameters to determine
T-38 Example Given: W = 8,000 lbs h = 10,000 ft Find:R MAX
T-38 Example Given: W = 8,000 lbs h = 10,000 ft Find: ROD MIN
T-37 drag polar example C D = C L 2 S = 184 ft 2 W = 6,000 lbs H sea level Find (L/D) max P R min
T-38 Example Given: W = 12,000 lbs h = Sea Level Find: MAX
T-38 Example Given: W = 12,000 lbs h = Sea Level Find: ROC MAX
T-38 Ceiling What happens to T A - T R as we go higher?
Ceilings Based on maximum climb rates Absolute Ceiling = 0 ft/min ROC Service Ceiling = 100 ft/min ROC Cruise Ceiling = 300 ft/min ROC Combat Ceiling = 500 ft/min ROC
Performance Summary (text p. 173) *for typical non-afterburning turbojet aircraft
Performance Summary RelationshipBest Case Relation between Induced and Parasite Drag for best case Graphical relation for best case Max Climb Angle C Do = kC L 2 - Minimum from T R curve - Tangent point on a line from origin to P R curve Max Climb RateNo set relation - Draw a line parallel to P A curve, and move it down till it is tangent to P R curve Breguet (5.28) or Avg Value (5.27) Max Jet Powered Range C Do = 3kC L 2 - Tangent point on a line from origin to T R curve Breguet (5.26) or Avg Value (5.24) Max Jet Powered Endurance C Do = kC L 2 - Minimum from T R curve - Tangent point on a line from origin to P R curve R = h (L/D) Best Glide Range (angle) C Do = kC L 2 - Minimum from T R curve - Tangent point on a line from origin to P R curve Best Glide Endurance (min sink) 3C Do = kC L 2 - Minimum from the P R curve Climbing Cruise Glides
Next Lesson (T28)… Prior to class Read text , Complete homework problems #31 and 32 Complete FDP parts a, b, i, j, k, l, r In class Discuss Cruise Range and Endurance
Fighter Design Project