Innovation Academy e.V. 1 Sustainable urban development in Freiburg
Innovation Academy e.V. 2 Freiburg in some figures Inhabitants Jobs In-commuter Out-commuter Students 5,6% unemployment figure 1,4 Million guest nights in 2013
Innovation Academy e.V % CO % CO 2 Basis- Szenario Referenz- Szenario „Fokus Stadt“ Szenario „Optimales Klimaschutz Umfeld“ -8%-14%-26%-39% Decision of city council: - 40% Study - Ökoinstitut with 4 Szenarios Decision 2014: - 50% - 100% % CO % CO 2 Climate protection strategy of the city of Freiburg
Innovation Academy e.V. 4 Source: Own calculation with data of Statistisches Bundesamt 2012 Comparison between an average and a passive household * German average household = 2,02 Personen HeatingCarElectricityHot water Current for ventilation a) Average household = ca kWh b) Passive house = ca kWh c) Passive house + solar collectors + aware mobility + Energy saving appliances = ca kWh
Innovation Academy e.V. 5 CO2-Reduction in Freiburg Municipal development planning Municipal buildings & facilities Supply - Disposal Mobility Internal organisation Communication – Cooperation Action fields Ökoinstitut: 63 measures
Innovation Academy e.V. 6 Mobility 2006: Gold Star, European OSMOSE Award for its long term approach towards a sustainable mobility
Innovation Academy e.V years of traffic conception in Freiburg 1969: 1. General traffic plan 1979: 2. General traffic plan 1989: Complete traffic conception 2008: Traffic development plan 2020
Innovation Academy e.V. 8 Freiburg‘s traffic concept - Milestones 1972: Decision to preserve the tramway
Innovation Academy e.V. 9 Mobility - Extention of public transport network
Innovation Academy e.V : Implementation of pedestrian area Freiburg‘s traffic concept - Milestones
Innovation Academy e.V Regiokarte – regional public transport pass Regiokarte - Monatsnetzkarte Adults daily flexibel53,50€ Abo45,90€ Annual ticket (10 for 12)44,58€ Education traffic Pupils and apprentice37,50€ Students (6 months) 89,00€ Children 18,75€
Innovation Academy e.V Public traffic in Freiburg – a story of success Coverage of the costs in 2012: 88% Average rate in Germany: 77,1%
Innovation Academy e.V Cycle roads in Freiburg
Innovation Academy e.V Right of way for cyclists
Innovation Academy e.V Cycle-Priority-Network: Overview 13 routes 140 measures Costs about 30 Mio. € Extension sought by 2020 Separate cycle tracks Cycle tracks Mixed traffic Pilot project Source: Garten- und Tiefbauamt Freiburg
Innovation Academy e.V Separation of tracks for pedestrians and cyclists 2013
Innovation Academy e.V Express Highway for cyclists: New bridges and tunnels 2013 Costs for bridge: € Costs for tunnel: €
Innovation Academy e.V Bike stations in Freiburg, Basel, Strasbourg since 1999 StrasbourgBasel Freiburg
Innovation Academy e.V Bike parking at the city centre Bike parking at the city centre: 6,000, in the whole city: 9,000
Innovation Academy e.V Metering of cyclists Average per day: 8,170 Average per week: 50,219 Average per month: 217,619 Peak data: 26th of June 2014: 13,939 28th week July: 76,086 July 2014: 312,040
Innovation Academy e.V Redesign of streets – Habsburgerstraße
Innovation Academy e.V Markets and retail centres concept Farmers markets Integrated supermarket Semi-integrated supermarket Not integrated supermarket City center District center Extended district center Business and industrial area Special area for large-scale retail Tramway
Innovation Academy e.V Markets and retail centres concept– assortment list Relevant products for centresNon-relevant products for centres
Innovation Academy e.V Farmers‘ markets in Freiburg The first new markets at the districts Landwasser and Weingarten since 1975 The oldest market at the cathedral exists since 1120 Further markets since 1992 – today: 16 farmers‘ markets
Innovation Academy e.V Modal Split in Freiburg Quelle: GuT Freiburg
Innovation Academy e.V New urban districts
Innovation Academy e.V Vauban Source: Stadt Freiburg
Innovation Academy e.V Vauban - civil participation
Innovation Academy e.V Vauban – Concept for traffic calming Zone with parking Zone without parking
Innovation Academy e.V Vauban – child-friendly environment
Innovation Academy e.V Vauban – Car density 337 PKW/1000 EW in Freiburg 174 PKW/1000 EW in Vauban 324 PKW/1000 EW in Rieselfeld
Innovation Academy e.V Bye! And Tschüss Thank you for your attention