Family Office Forum Wiesbaden 28. April 2015. “A charity dollar has only one life, a social business dollar can be invested over and over again.” – Prof.


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Presentation transcript:

Family Office Forum Wiesbaden 28. April 2015

“A charity dollar has only one life, a social business dollar can be invested over and over again.” – Prof. Muhammad Yunus Nobel Laureate for Peace Founder of Grameen Bank

“Making other people happy is a super-happiness.” – Prof. Yunus A social business is a company created with a sole purpose to solve a social problem in a financially self-sustainable way.

A social business can be in any sector, in developing, or developed countries. The social business needs to put the society first, that’s all.

5 Yunus Social Business Yunus Social Business GmbH spreads social business to other countries What is Yunus Social Business GmbH? Yunus Social Business helps create social businesses around the world Based in Germany, with offices in Albania, Brazil, Colombia, Haiti, India, Tunisia, Uganda, with projects in several other countries A social business itself, majority-owned and chaired by Prof. Yunus, and part of the “Grameen/Yunus” family of organizations An energetic team with background in consulting, entrepreneurship, international development, and venture capital

6 Yunus Social Business Building on more than 30 years of experience in social business Grameen Danone Fortified yoghurts to combat infant malnutrition 300k customers per week Grameen Shakti Renewable energy & clean cook stoves for villages 1 million+ units sold BASF Grameen Insecticide impregnated mosquito nets Produces 3,000 nets a day Grameen Distribution ‘Last mile’ distribution; essential items to villages 30k+ households reached YSB is leveraging the extensive experience of the Grameen / Yunus family in building social businesses Over the last 30 years, Professor Yunus and his Grameen network founded more than 40 SBs in Bangladesh alone, examples include:

7 Yunus Social Business We focus on 2 core initiatives to achieve our goals

8 Yunus Social Business YSB has financed 26 social businesses across various sectors Palmis Eneji | Haiti Distribution of clean cookstoves and solar lamps to low-income households via franchises 5,900 customers, 17,000 tonnes of CO 2 saved Pain O’Quotidien | Haiti Combating malnutrition through fortified bakery products distributed by local women. 250 jobs created Seniors’ House | Albania Quality residential home and care for elderly in Tirana 24 jobs, 91 elderly customers Snack Fresh| Haiti Business purchasing potatoes from smallholder farmers to make healthy snacks 27 jobs and 6,000+ regular clients and distributors Bive | Colombia Affordable healthcare for low income families users; 68% cheaper than other providers DIGO Distribution | Haiti Supplier of detergent products to improve household hygiene 64 jobs and 613,000 gallons of product sold in 2014 Sustainable Agriculture / Livelihoods Organic Farming Albania Income for 100+ farmers in mountainous areas and promotes sustainable farming 11 hectares of land prepared Affordable Health & Sanitation Strengthening local economies Kreyol Essence | Haiti Locally made beauty products for tackling income disparities. Income opportunities for 300 farmers and 20 producers Campo Vivo| Colombia JV started in 2014 with McCain for strengthening farmers. Improved working conditions and higher income for 675 farmers ESN FATEM | Haiti Poulty farm to subsidise school operations. Over chickens sold and USD generated.

26 social businesses $7.4 million deployed 7 countries ,000+ impacted customers jobs created and/or sustained 400+ entrepreneurs supported

10 Yunus Social Business Partnering with YSB

11 Yunus Social Business How to get involved with Social Business? Establish your own Social Business or create a Social Business joint venture with YSB Provide funding in the form of grants or interest-free, non-recourse loans to support Accelerator Programs or financing for Social Businesses Learn hands on about Social Business by participating in YSB Partner Events Contribute know-how and network by becoming a mentor for a Social Business

Karen Hitschke Contact Details