Test Review Topics of the test: - Geological Time - Fossils - Relative Dating - Absolute Dating.


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Presentation transcript:

Test Review Topics of the test: - Geological Time - Fossils - Relative Dating - Absolute Dating

Question 1

Question 2

Question 3

Question 4 You find a strange fossil and are trying to determine its age. You know that it started with 80 grams of carbon. It loses half of that every 6,000 years. The fossil currently has 20 grams of carbon. Determine how old the fossil must be.

You find a strange fossil and are trying to determine its age You find a strange fossil and are trying to determine its age. You know that it started with 80 grams of carbon. It loses half of that every 6,000 years. The fossil currently has 20 grams of carbon. Determine how old the fossil must be. 12,000 years

Question 5 The _________ was an era dominated by the dinosaurs

The _________ was an era dominated by the dinosaurs Mesozoic

Question 6 Which of the following represents the longest time period Precambrian Paleozoic Mesozoic Cenozoic

Which of the following represents the longest time period Precambrian

Question 7 What is the current accepted age of Earth? 200 million years 4.6 Billion years 10 billion years 20.5 million years

What is the current accepted age of Earth? 4.6 Billion years

Question 8 Which of the following gases was NOT part of the Earths original atmosphere? Water vapor Oxygen Nitrogen Carbon Dioxide

Which of the following gases was NOT part of the Earths original atmosphere? Oxygen

Question 9 Which title best describes the current geological age? Age of _____________

Which title best describes the current geological age? Age of mammals

Question 10 If a sample has 1000g of a radioactive isotope, how much will be left after 3 half lives? 500g 150g 125g 250g

If a sample has 1000g of a radioactive isotope, how much will be left after 3 half lives?

Question 11 An undeformed sedimentary layer is __________ than the layer above and _______ than the layer below. younger ---younger younger --- older older --- younger older --- older

An undeformed sedimentary layer is __________ than the layer above and _______ than the layer below. older --- younger

Question 12 Fossils are most common in which rock types?

Fossils are most common in which rock types? sedimentary

Question 13 What is the name for an erosion surface that separates two sets of sedimentary layers with non-parallel bedding planes? cross-bedding formation angular unconformity fault

What is the name for an erosion surface that separates two sets of sedimentary layers with non-parallel bedding planes? angular unconformity

Question 14 A rock formed with 1,000 atoms of a radioactive parent element, but only contains 250 radioactive parent atoms today. If the half-life is 1,000,000 years, how old is the rock? 250,000 years 500,000 years 1,000,000 years 2,000,000 years

A rock formed with 1,000 atoms of a radioactive parent element, but only contains 250 radioactive parent atoms today. If the half-life is 1,000,000 years, how old is the rock? 2,000,000 years

Question 15 Which of the following will not make a fossil? decomposed organic material plant impressions (casts) animal footprints loose animal bones

Which of the following will not make a fossil Which of the following will not make a fossil? decomposed organic material

Question 16 A nonconformity is _________ . A. a rock unit that is different than units above or below it B. a gap in the geologic record bounded below by metamorphic or igneous rocks and bounded above by sedimentary rocks C. a rock unit that does not contain fossils D. a sequence of rocks that does not contain any gaps in the geologic record

A nonconformity is _________. B A nonconformity is _________ . B. a gap in the geologic record bounded below by metamorphic or igneous rocks and bounded above by sedimentary rocks

Question 17 Which of the following units is the youngest?

Which of the following units is the youngest? A

Question 18 Which of the following units is the oldest?

Which of the following units is the oldest?

Question 19 Which of the following happened most recently? deposition of unit C deposition of unit B deposition of unit F tilting of C,D,E, and F

Which of the following happened most recently? deposition of unit B

Question 20 Which of the following radioactive isotopes has the longest half-life? rubidium-87 potassium-40 carbon-14 uranium-238

Which of the following radioactive isotopes has the longest half-life? uranium-238

Question 21 Which of the following radioactive isotopes has the shortest half-life? rubidium-87 potassium-40 carbon-14 uranium-238

Which of the following radioactive isotopes has the shortest half-life Which of the following radioactive isotopes has the shortest half-life? carbon-14

Question 22 Human beings evolved during which geologic era?

Human beings evolved during which geologic era? Cenozoic

Question 23 Large reptiles became abundant during the ________Era?

Large reptiles became abundant during the ________Era? Mesozoic

Question 24 Land plants appeared during the ________Era?

Land plants appeared during the ________Era? Paleozoic

Question 25


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