The International Child Abduction Center International child abductions in the Netherlands Martine Molendijk LL.M. & Mireille Pronk 4 December 2014
Center IKO Introduction Short history Finance The organisation The Mediation Bureau Hotline International Projects and Partners (LEPCA, MiKK)
What do we do? Parents call for legal advice, information and guidance -Case international child abduction -Case missing child (runaway) -Case threatening child abduction
Statistics cases international child abductions 54 missing children 271 children abducted by a parent
Telephone & statistics Tele phone January- October Total
Countries Countries of child abductions from NL Turkey Belgium Germany United States of America France
A child abducted what to do? 70% of the parental abductions are by the mother Hague Convention on International Child Abduction - Hague countries and Non-Hague countries Civil law vs criminal law National abductions
Netherlands Since – runaways and missing from abduction by a parent Case missing child Crossborder cooperation with MCE Case crossborder cooperation
NL activities Presentations at school for parents and children Network of psychologists Flyers campaigns Training sessions
Advice Always to refer to the missing person by name Reduce stress level of cliënt Always listen to their story which you heard 20 times… nobody else does..
Questions? International Child Abduction Center The Netherlands T:+31(0) F:+31(0) E: W: W: