Office of River Protection 2014 Hanford ORP Site Status Report Glen Clark, WRPS 2014 ASP Workshop September, 2014 Albuquerque, NM Glen Clark, WRPS 2014 ASP Workshop September, 2014 Albuquerque, NM
Hanford Site Map
Waste Treatment and Immobilization Plant (WTP)
WTP Analytical Laboratory
WTP Laboratory Hot Cells
DOE ORP Mission Statement Our mission is to retrieve and treat Hanford’s tank waste and close the tank farms to protect the Columbia River.
DOE ORP Prime Contractors Bechtel National, Inc. (BNI) Advanced Technologies and Laboratories International, Inc. (ATL) Washington River Protection Solutions (WRPS) Bechtel National, Inc. (BNI) Advanced Technologies and Laboratories International, Inc. (ATL) Washington River Protection Solutions (WRPS)
BNI Off-Site Commercial Laboratories BNI utilizes two non-DOECAP audited laboratories for industrial hygiene analyses BNI utilizes a laboratory for glass formulation research which is not a DOECAP participant BNI utilizes two non-DOECAP audited laboratories for industrial hygiene analyses BNI utilizes a laboratory for glass formulation research which is not a DOECAP participant
BNI Off-Site TSDF BNI does not utilize an off-site TSDF BNI has contracted WRPS to dispose of hazardous industrial wastes BNI does not utilize an off-site TSDF BNI has contracted WRPS to dispose of hazardous industrial wastes
222-S Analytical Laboratory Complex
222-S Analytical Laboratory
222-S Laboratory Hot Cells
222-S Analytical Laboratory ATL performs routine inorganic, organic, and radioanalytical analysis of tank farm and environmental samples as well as inorganic analysis of industrial hygiene samples to support day to day tank farms operations (Washington State Department of Ecology and American Industrial Hygiene Association Laboratory Accreditation Program [AIHA-LAP] accredited) WRPS performs analytical method development, tank farm process support, and organic analysis of vapor samples (AIHA- LAP accredited) WRPS also administers 222-S complex operations ATL performs routine inorganic, organic, and radioanalytical analysis of tank farm and environmental samples as well as inorganic analysis of industrial hygiene samples to support day to day tank farms operations (Washington State Department of Ecology and American Industrial Hygiene Association Laboratory Accreditation Program [AIHA-LAP] accredited) WRPS performs analytical method development, tank farm process support, and organic analysis of vapor samples (AIHA- LAP accredited) WRPS also administers 222-S complex operations
Laboratory Quality Standards On-Site – Hanford Analytical Services Quality Assurance Requirements Documents (HASQARD) – Similar to DOECAP QSM but does not include IH analysis – Based partly on NQA-1 for application at nuclear facilities – Allows flexibility when dealing with high level rad samples – Includes sampling and field analysis activities – Includes process chemistry analysis – Includes research & development projects related to environmental cleanup – A new revision is about to be released by DOE that incorporates many QSAS Rev. 2.6 requirements Off-Site – HASQARD for environmental laboratories and DOECAP QSM for industrial hygiene laboratories On-Site – Hanford Analytical Services Quality Assurance Requirements Documents (HASQARD) – Similar to DOECAP QSM but does not include IH analysis – Based partly on NQA-1 for application at nuclear facilities – Allows flexibility when dealing with high level rad samples – Includes sampling and field analysis activities – Includes process chemistry analysis – Includes research & development projects related to environmental cleanup – A new revision is about to be released by DOE that incorporates many QSAS Rev. 2.6 requirements Off-Site – HASQARD for environmental laboratories and DOECAP QSM for industrial hygiene laboratories
WRPS Varied Analytical Needs Industrial Hygiene (IH) Vapor and Bulk Analyses General Analytical Support for Waste Tank Retrieval General Process Chemistry and Solubility Studies Tank and Pipe Corrosion Studies Tank Waste Phase Characterization Studies Separation, Stabilization and/or Treatment of Selected Waste Streams Forensics Solids Analysis Vadose Zone Characterization Miscellaneous Environmental or Waste Characterization Industrial Hygiene (IH) Vapor and Bulk Analyses General Analytical Support for Waste Tank Retrieval General Process Chemistry and Solubility Studies Tank and Pipe Corrosion Studies Tank Waste Phase Characterization Studies Separation, Stabilization and/or Treatment of Selected Waste Streams Forensics Solids Analysis Vadose Zone Characterization Miscellaneous Environmental or Waste Characterization
Projected FY15/ S Laboratory Projects Industrial Hygiene Vapor Method Development Process Chemistry and Special Analytical Services Method Development Installation of New Analytical Instrumentation/Equipment Laboratory Room Upgrades Design and Installation of a New Standards Laboratory Industrial Hygiene Vapor Method Development Process Chemistry and Special Analytical Services Method Development Installation of New Analytical Instrumentation/Equipment Laboratory Room Upgrades Design and Installation of a New Standards Laboratory
Types of Samples Analyzed by Offsite Laboratories Miscellaneous Industrial Hygiene Vapor Asbestos Fiber Counting and Characterization Low or Non-Radioactive Regulatory Environmental Miscellaneous RCRA Waste Miscellaneous Industrial Hygiene Vapor Asbestos Fiber Counting and Characterization Low or Non-Radioactive Regulatory Environmental Miscellaneous RCRA Waste
Number of WRPS Samples Analyzed Off-Site
Reasons for FY14 and FY15 Sample Load Increases DOE RL’s decision to close the onsite Waste Sampling and Characterization Facility laboratory that performed environmental and IH analyses Concerns about vapor exposures in the tank farms Start-up operations at the evaporator in the tank farms to reduce the volume of highly radioactive tank waste DOE RL’s decision to close the onsite Waste Sampling and Characterization Facility laboratory that performed environmental and IH analyses Concerns about vapor exposures in the tank farms Start-up operations at the evaporator in the tank farms to reduce the volume of highly radioactive tank waste
WRPS Off-Site Commercial Laboratories WRPS utilizes five DOECAP audited laboratories for industrial hygiene or environmental sample analyses WRPS contracts with two laboratories which are not DOECAP participants for specialty industrial hygiene and vapor analyses WRPS utilizes five DOECAP audited laboratories for industrial hygiene or environmental sample analyses WRPS contracts with two laboratories which are not DOECAP participants for specialty industrial hygiene and vapor analyses
Qualified DOECAP Laboratory Auditors WRPS provides three DOECAP laboratory auditors, two of whom are lead auditors ORP provides one DOECAP laboratory auditor WRPS provides three DOECAP laboratory auditors, two of whom are lead auditors ORP provides one DOECAP laboratory auditor
Future DOECAP Laboratory Participation Provide audit support for laboratories used by ORP contractors Provide support for revision of the DOECAP QSM and checklists Provide audit support for laboratories used by ORP contractors Provide support for revision of the DOECAP QSM and checklists
DOECAP Laboratory Points of Contact Jeff Cheadle, DOE ORP Glen Clark, WRPS Jeff Cheadle, DOE ORP Glen Clark, WRPS
Non-Radiological TSDF Audits WRPS utilizes one off-site, non-radiological TSDF vendor for tank farm, 222-S laboratory and contracted WTP hazardous wastes WRPS has conducted its own audit of this vendor The vendor sends waste to several different facilities Some of these facilities are audited by DOECAP WRPS utilizes one off-site, non-radiological TSDF vendor for tank farm, 222-S laboratory and contracted WTP hazardous wastes WRPS has conducted its own audit of this vendor The vendor sends waste to several different facilities Some of these facilities are audited by DOECAP
Radiological TSDF WRPS utilizes one off-site radiological TSDF vendor with four different facilities All four facilities are audited by DOECAP WRPS participates annually in the DOECAP audit of the local facility in Washington state WRPS utilizes one off-site radiological TSDF vendor with four different facilities All four facilities are audited by DOECAP WRPS participates annually in the DOECAP audit of the local facility in Washington state
Qualified DOECAP TSDF Auditors WRPS provides three DOECAP TSDF auditors
DOECAP TSDF Points of Contact Jeff Cheadle, DOE ORP