Pectoral Region/Shoulder – Surface Anatomy
Pectoral Muscles Pectoralis major- Pectoralis minor- attached to ribs 3,4, 5. Attaches to the coricoid process of the scapula. Norm. moves scapula, can elevate the ribs. Subclavius-under clavicle, attached to first rib. Helps fixate clavicle. Shoulder joint is attached to the humerus, mostly By muscle. Strong joint…..only place the appendicular Skeleton attached to the axial skeleton…??? Note limited bony attachment of upper limb to axial skeleton.
Breast Anatomy
Pectoral Region - Fascia Clavipectoral fascia – surround subclavius/pectoralis minor 1. Costocoracoid membrane – upper segment (named for med/lat attachments) * pierced by 3 structures: - Cephalic v. - Thoracoacromial a. - Lateral Pectoral n. 2. Suspensory Ligament of Axilla – lower segment – fuses with axillary fascia at axillary floor
Shoulder Muscles - Deltoid
Shoulder Muscles – Rotator Cuff I T
Posterior Shoulder Muscles & Spaces Teres Major Triceps brachii, long head Quadrangular space Triangular space Triangular interval
Army Over – Navy Under= Artery over, vein underneath
Shoulder Muscles – Serratus Anterior
Shoulder Muscles – Serratus Anterior Note location of nerve.
Subdeltoid (subacromial) Bursa
“Shoulder Separation”
Shoulder Dislocation
Scapular Anastomosis
Scapular Anastomosis