MCDB 4650 Limb Patterning
Which of the following is the most likely candidate for activating the expression of the different Tbx genes in the mesenchyme? a.FGF signaling b.Hox expression c.Wnt signaling d.Sonic Hedgehog signaling
What might induce the expression of Shh only in the posterior region of each limb bud ? a. Hox gene expression b. FGF signaling c. BMP signaling d. Wnt signaling
Original ZPA In a limb with duplicated digits (produced by an ectopic ZPA), why are the extra digits produced in mirror image? Extra ZPA a. Shh diffuses toward the center, so the higher concentration at the center induces two Digit 2s b. High Shh concentration induces Digit 4, so there are Digit 4s closest to each ZPA c. The cells on either end are prespecified to make digit 2, 3, or 4 d. Digit 4 requires Shh; the other digits form in the absence of Shh.
Which axis of limb development is dependent on FGF? a. proximal-distal b. anterior-posterior c. dorsal ventral
When thinking about the dorsal-ventral axis of the limb, the dorsal side is best represented by: a. the palm of the hand b. the back of the hand c. the side of the hand
According to the progress zone model of limb development, the cells that leave the progress zone first (early in limb development), develop into a. dorsal cells in the limb b. ventral cells in the limb c. anterior cells in the limb d. posterior cells in the limb e. distal cells in the limb f. proximal cells in the limb
The bones of the limb (humerus, radius, ulna, and carpals) are derived from the a. notochord b. somites c. lateral plate mesoderm d. ectodermal epithelium
The proximal-distal identity of cells within the limb is determined by a. Notch-Delta signaling b. FGF expression c. Shh expression d. Hox expression
In each of the following situations, select all answers that are correct. What would happen to limb development if An embryo had a loss of function mutation in gene radical fringe? i. loss of AER; no or reduced proximal-distal outgrowth ii. duplication of A-P structures iii. loss of A-P patterning iv. posteriorization of digits v. D/V axis disrupted vi.Limb identity altered vii. limb placement along body altered
In each of the following situations, select all answers that are correct. What would happen to limb development if An embryo had overexpression of Tbx4 throughout the flank of the developing embryo. i. loss of AER; no or reduced proximal-distal outgrowth ii. duplication of A-P structures iii. loss of A-P patterning iv. posteriorization of digits v. D/V axis disrupted vi.Limb identity altered vii. limb placement along body altered
In each of the following situations, select all answers that are correct. What would happen to limb development if An embryo had a loss of function mutation in Engrailed 1. i. loss of AER; no or reduced proximal-distal outgrowth ii. duplication of A-P structures iii. loss of A-P patterning iv. posteriorization of digits v. D/V axis disrupted vi.Limb identity altered vii. limb placement along body altered
In each of the following situations, select all answers that are correct. What would happen to limb development if An embryo had high levels of sonic hedgehog expression throughout the limb. i. loss of AER; no proximal-distal outgrowth ii. duplication of A-P structures iii. loss of A-P patterning iv. posteriorization of digits v. D/V axis disrupted vi.Limb identity altered vii. limb placement along body altered
The cell that mineralizes the bone called the osteoblast is which type of cell? (choose the best answer) a. Lateral plate mesodermal cell b. Somite-derived cell c. Cartilage stem cell d. Hematopoetic stem cell
Bones in the limb derive from a.axial mesoderm b.somitic mesoderm c.sclerotome d.lateral plate mesoderm e.ventral mesoderm f.ectoderm
Of the following, which experiment best tests the hypothesis that cells in the limb bud have a pre-specified fate? a.Remove AER, see what cells types are made b.Mark distal cells in an early limb bud and see if they become distal cells in the limb c.Remove factors required for proliferation; see what cell types are made d.Transplant just the AER from an older limb bud to tip of younger limb bud
What would happen to the developing limbs in a mouse that was homozygous mutant for Engrailed 1? a.The limb would be truncated along the proximal-distal axis b.The limb would have ventral structures on the dorsal side c.The limb would have dorsal structures on the ventral side d.a and b e.a and c Placement of the AER depends on correct localization of D/V genes!
If Shh did not act as a morphogen but still affected limb development, what result would you have expected from a bead of Shh implanted on the anterior side? a.No change, still would be mirror image duplication of digits b.An extra digit 4 would be made c.An extra digit 2 would be made d.The duplication would occur but would not be a mirror image
Normal formation of organs often relies upon: a.Signaling between epithelium and mesenchymal parts of the organ b.Signaling between ectodermal and endodermal parts of the organ c.Signals from nearby developing structures d.A and B e.A and C
If you a produce a chick with cardia bifida by separating the two heart primordia, what experiment would convince you that each of the two heart were complete, functioning hearts rather than two half hearts? a.If they were both beating b.If they both looped c.If they both expressed left and right-specific heart molecules d.If they both expressed markers for ventricular and atrial myosin