Workers’ Compensation May
Management Training Class Workers’ Comp Overview for Managers Quarterly at SMUCLA and RRUMC June 16 RRUMC Covers processes and procedures related to Workers’ Compensation Reviews Disability Management and the Interactive Process 2
Who is eligible? Career, casual, Per Diem employees are covered from the first date of employment Vanpool injuries Non-UCLA employees are covered by their respective employers, e.g. Traveler’s, Registry, other temporary workers Volunteers 3
Initial Employee Contact Was this injury work related? If the employee believes it was work-related or is unsure, provide Workers’ Compensation forms and direct the employee to seek immediate medical treatment at either Occupational Health Facility or the UCLA Emergency Department Employee should tell the UCLA Emergency Department that they are a UCLAMC employee and that they are being treated for a work-related injury Follow all procedures for a leave of absence 4
Medical Treatment Where to send the employee for treatment? Employee should be seen by Occupational Health Facility or the UCLA Emergency Department for the first 30 days IF EMPLOYEE WAS SEEN AT THE EMERGENCY ROOM, direct employee to follow-up at UCLA Occupational Health. Medical Control: UC directs the employee’s medical care for an initial 30 days. UCLAMC’s designated providers are Occupational Health Facility (OHF), RRUMC Emergency Medicine, and SMUCLA Nethercutt Emergency Medicine Exception: Employee pre-designates personal Medical Doctor in writing prior to the injury. Contact WC HR for more information. 5
New Pharmacy Network The University of California (UC) has partnered with Helios to establish a Pharmacy Benefit Network (PBN) for workers’ compensation illness and injury related medications as part of the overall pharmacy program. Injured workers within the PBN will only be able to fill prescriptions from a pharmacy within the network after 4/1/2015. Posters should be posted next to the state mandated WC posters. Pamphlets will be given to all new hires with other state- mandated WC pamphlet 6
Cal-OSHA FOR SERIOUS INJURIES, page UCLA Health Safety at pager #90248 within EIGHT hours or call the Campus 24-hour call-in phone number EH&S Hotline: Serious injury includes: Amputation Concussion Injury resulting in serious degree of permanent disfigurement such as crushing injury or severe burn In-patient hospitalization >24 hours for other than medical observation OSHA requires notice within 8 hours of Serious Injury 7
When an Employee is injured on the job... Provide the employee with: 1.A completed Workers’ Compensation Claim Form (DWC-1) and Notice of Potential Eligibility This form must be provided within 1 working day of notice that an injury or illness has occurred as mandated by California state law. (Exception: First Aid incidents) 2. A completed UCLA Incident Report and Referral for Medical Treatment 3. Workers’ Compensation Information Sheet 9
10 Paperwork 1.Please review and complete all lines. Sign where appropriate. Supervisor should sign all forms where indicated 2.Department keeps one copy for department records. If notification was by phone, send the form to employee via Certified Mail 3.Immediately: 1. FAX a copy to the WC FAX line Health System HR or 2. to or 3. CALL 877-6UC-RPRT ( ) with the information on the form (see Step #5)
11 Paperwork 4.Employee keeps one copy of completed form 5.Send all other copies of the form immediately to Health System HR for distribution 6.Notify Health System HR Workers’ Comp x40500 if employee has been taken off work. Follow all procedures for a leave of absence
Important Information Employees should be paid for the time at OHF and/or the EMC (to complete the work shift.) Charge hours to Home Cost Center Employees must use SL for any time at off-site (non-OHF or EMC) appointments, and for time taken for therapy, diagnostic appts Charge hours to Home Cost Center Employee may return to temporary work on a modified work schedule or modified duties at any time. Charge actual Modified duty hours worked as ‘Modified Duty Workers’ Comp’ and to the Return to Work Cost Center. 12
Disability Management Mark Briskie UCLA Health System Human Resources (310) Legal Responsibilities Workers’ Compensation Family Medical Leave 13
Contacts for Return to Work Program Contact UCLA Health HR Workers’ Compensation/ Return to Work coordinators to confirm employee meets eligibility criteria UCLA Health Human Resources WC Mark Cynthia Ingrid Return to Work Coordinators Mark Briskie Suzanne 14
Injury Prevention resources Ergonomic Evaluation Request Form Bruin Ergo - UCLA UCLA Health Online Ergonomics Program (Cardinus) User ID = Employee ID Number (link on HR website) To request onsite eval: UCLA Health Support Services Center Bruin Break Jeri Simpson
Directory SEDGWICK CMS P.O. Box Lexington KY Mail code Phone Fax CAMPUS PAYROLL UCLA Wilshire Center, Suite 620 MC Phone Fax UCLA HEALTHCARE PAYROLL UCLA Wilshire Center, Suite 1700 MC Phone Fax OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH FACILITY (OHF) Center for Health Sciences Monday through Friday 7:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Mail Code Phone Fax EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT 757 Westwood Plaza (ER entrance Gayley Ave, N of Le Conte) Phone Open 24 hours a day SMH Nethercutt Emergency Room th Street, Santa Monica Phone
Policy Health System Policy HS 7318 Employee Work-Related Illness and/or Injury Health System Policy HS 7324 Employee Transitional Return to Work(TRTW) Policy 18
Other Required forms Required Workplace postings DWC 7 Notice to Employees – Injuries Caused By Work Workers’ Compensation Pharmacy Benefit Network HR Website New Employee Pamphlets Notice to Employees – Injuries Caused by Work Helios/Pharmacy Benefit Network Distributed at time of Hire by HR Rep Pre-designation of Physician form HR Website 19