Overview of the rationale of the Land Rights Management Facility (LRMF) and how it functions Types and status of mediation cases according to provinces Types and status of legal services cases according to provinces Legal Services panel Project Finances Future Plans Presentation Outline: 2
Overview of the Rationale To facilitate the provision of specialised legal and mediation services to indigent individuals and communities who are faced with the violation of their rights and livelihoods; to regularise and support dysfunctional CPIs; and to administer legal and mediation assistance approved by the Chief Land Claims Commissioner in terms of the Restitution of Land Rights Act 22 of 1994; to build a network of human rights lawyers and mediators who specialise in the field of land rights; and to promote the rule of law and strengthen democracy. 3
Functioning of the LRMF : Maintaining and updating the panels of lawyers and mediators; receiving legal and mediation case referrals from the Department; referring cases and matters to members of the legal and mediation panels on the instructions of the Department; monitoring the progress of cases referred, the performance of panel members and the outcome of cases in relation to the objective of providing adequate legal and mediation services to indigent land reform beneficiaries; administering the panel funds provided by the Department for this purpose and assessing and paying the accounts of members of the panels on behalf of the Department; designing and conducting an appropriate training programme to educate panel members to improve their skills and capacity and an appropriate skills transfer programme for officials of the Department; and providing legal opinions as requested by the Department or Commission on matters relating to the LRMF. 4
Mediation case distribution as at 31March Pending matters 5
Mediation services case types - 25 Pending mediation matters 6
Mediation services case types mediation matters closed 6
Mediation case types - 25 Pending matters 7
Legal services case provincial distribution as at 31 March Pending matters 8
Legal services case types 740 Pending Legal matters 10
Legal services cases types Legal matters closed 9
hotspots areas 12
LRMF panel composition LEGALMEDIATION
Project Finances Legal and mediation panel funds – Income and expenditure Income and expenditure items December 2012 to March 2015 Opening balance R Income R DRDLR fund transfers R Interest received R Expenditure R Expenditure from legal and mediation panel funds R Interest paid to DRDLR R Balance at 31 March 2015 R Fund portion R Interest portion R
Project Finances Legal and mediation panel funds – Monthly breakdown of funds disbursed 15
Project Finances Fund expenditure projection to 31 March 2015 Date Legal Services Projects Mediation Services Projects Communal Property InstitutionsRestitution Fund expenditure Fund balance Balance as at 31/03/2015 R R R R R R /04/2015 R R R R R R /05/2015 R R R R R R /06/2015 R R R R R R Total R R R R R R
Project Finances Contingency liability assessment Contingent Liability Assessment : 31 March 2015 Tenure security legal mattersR Tenure security mediation mattersR CPI mattersR Restitution mattersR TotalR
Continued provision of legal and mediation services; institutionalisation of the LRMF work within the Land Rights Management Board when in place and operational; and the Land Rights Management Board is a new structure proposed in the Extension of Security of Tenure Amendment Bill. Future Plans 18
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