UIC, the global association serving the Railway community worldwide
UIC MEMBERSHIP UIC growing membership members on all continents members in Europe Rail Operating Community Operators Infrastructure Managers Research centres Secretariat of transportation (a few)
UIC ITS MISSION Promoting the development of rail transport at world level, in order to meet challenges of mobility and sustainable Development Key Challenges in terms of
SYNERGIES BETWEEN UIC AND ITS PARTNER ORGANISATIONS Railways associations: OSJD, CER, EIM, APTA, AAR, ALAF, AUR, UAR/UAC,… Railway industry and contractors: UNIFE, FIEC, EFRTC,… International Organisations, International Banks as stakeholders Consultative status at UN ECOSOC 100 partnerships Transport sector trade associations: UITP, IRU, IATA, UFTAA, FIATA, UIRR, UIP, ERFA,… International associations and interest groups for tourism, environment,… Intergovernmental organisations: UN, ECOSOC, UNECE, ESCAP, ECO… UNFCCC, UNEP OECD, ITF,… EU institutions, ERA Council of Europe OTIF,… NATO,… International financial institutions: World Bank, EIB, EBRD, ADB,… International standardisation bodies: ISO, CEN/CENELEC, ETSI, IEC,…
UIC FACTS AND FIGURES Technical projects (50 european) since UIC Leaflets since creation 50 international Seminars organised in 2013, in 25 cities, for 5000 participants every year
UIC IN EUROPE Creation of the Community of European Railways (CER) in 1988 to play a political role towards the European Union Close cooperation between the technical and political dimension of the Railway system Technical plateform for UIC Members but also for International organisations based in Europe (IEA, UNEP, OECD/ITF, ERA,...)
UIC ORGANISATION WITH AND FOR THE MEMBERS By and for the Members UIC Platforms, Forums, expression of the Members’needs and wishes UIC: the only place where, in a fragmented environment, where stakeholders can work together on a SYSTEM vision 1 Department SYSTEM, 5 Units (Track and structures, Train Track Interaction, Rolling Stock, Operation and Control Command Signalling (CCS), Energy Management) 1 Department Fundamental Values (Safety, Security, Research, Sustainable Development, Expertise Development) 2 Departments Business (Passenger, Freight)
DISSEMINATION – INFORMATION – COMMUNICATION 52 weekly issues 5000 readers 600 articles per year
Next steps Today differnt sectors defined their requiremnent related to the natural disaster forcast.(by the way aviation,WMO it is in state to define toghether with them a valuable system) It is up to us to define our specific requirements and,on a coordinate manner to colaborate with related international bodies(e,g,WMO,UN), UIC can be an facilitator and coordinator on behalf of the railways comunity. 12
Thank you for your kind attention Teodor Gradinariu Senior Technical advisor Railways System Departement