1.03 Healthcare Agencies
Public Healthcare Systems Provide healthcare to everyone. Children, women, men, elderly, unemployed, and disabled. Often seen in other countries as National healthcare Plan (Europe and Canada) No cost to the patient, but high taxes! 1.03 Understand healthcare agencies, finances, and trends
Public Healthcare Systems Also known as National Healthcare Plan Provide healthcare to all citizens Often seen in other countries Canada Europe No cost to the patient Residents pay high taxes 1.03 Understand healthcare agencies, finances, and trends
1.03 Understand healthcare agencies, finances, and trends Private Healthcare Systems Predominate system in the United States, but US uses a combination of public and private funding. Individuals purchase health insurance plan and/or pay out-of-pocket. 1.03 Understand healthcare agencies, finances, and trends
Private Healthcare Systems Individuals purchase a health insurance plan and/or pay out-of-pocket. Predominate system in the United States Systems in the United States are a combination of public and private funding. 1.03 Understand healthcare agencies, finances, and trends
1.03 Understand healthcare agencies, finances, and trends national non-profit in-patient out-patient government state local international for-profit 1.03 Understand healthcare agencies, finances, and trends
Government Healthcare Agencies 1.03 Understand healthcare agencies, finances, and trends
Government Healthcare Agencies - International - World Health Organization (WHO) Functions: assess health trends compile statistics related to disease investigate health problems worldwide publish health information Government agencies are supported by taxes. Sponsored by the United Nations Compile statistics related to disease Publish health information Investigate health problems worldwide http://www.who.int/en/ 1.03 Understand healthcare agencies, finances, and trends
Government Healthcare Agencies - National - U. S. Department of Health and Human Services (USDHHS) Functions: compile statistics related to disease investigate health problems in the United States prevent disease by immunizations provide comprehensive health services publish health information http://www.hhs.gov/ 1.03 Understand healthcare agencies, finances, and trends
National Institutes of Health (NIH) Functions: World’s leading research organization Research includes AIDS cancer Alzheimer’s diabetes arthritis heart disease http://www.nih.gov/ 1.03 Understand healthcare agencies, finances, and trends
Government Healthcare Agencies - National - Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Functions: disease control disease prevention http://www.cdc.gov/ 1.03 Understand healthcare agencies, finances, and trends
Government Healthcare Agencies - National - (USDHHS) Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Functions: - regulates safety of food and cosmetics - regulates safety and efficacy of drugs, biological products and medical devices http://www.fda.gov/ 1.03 Understand healthcare agencies, finances, and trends
Government Healthcare Agencies - National - (USDHHS) Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) Formerly called Agency for Healthcare Policy and Research (AHCPR) Functions: - investigate quality of healthcare delivery - establish standards for healthcare treatment Established in 1991 Research quality of healthcare delivery Identify standards of treatment http://www.ahrq.gov/ 1.03 Understand healthcare agencies, finances, and trends
Government Healthcare Agencies - National - ABC Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Division of the US Department of Labor Functions: - create job safety standards - implement job safety standards http://www.osha.gov/ 1.03 Understand healthcare agencies, finances, and trends
Government Healthcare Agencies - National - ABC Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) OSHA standards specific to healthcare include: - personal protective equipment - blood borne pathogens - hazard communication - ergonomics http://www.osha.gov/ 1.03 Understand healthcare agencies, finances, and trends
Government Healthcare Agencies - State - (USDHHS) N. C. Department of Health and Human Services (NCDHHS) Functions to provide many services: Adoption Medicaid Deaf/blind services Mental health services Emergency services Pregnancy services Food and nutrition services Senior centers In-Homes Aides Vital records http://www.dhhs.state.nc.us/index.htm 1.03 Understand healthcare agencies, finances, and trends
Government Healthcare Agencies - State - (USDHHS) N. C. Department of Health and Human Services (NCDHHS) Functions to provide information: Disease and health information Safety End of life issues Teen issues Environmental health Wellness Minority health www.dhhs.state.nc.us/index.htm 1.03 Understand healthcare agencies, finances, and trends
Government Healthcare Agencies - Local - (USDHHS, NCDHHS) County Health Department Functions: Provides services Communicable disease control Laboratory services Health inspections Oral health Immunizations Woman and child health Provides information Health education Statistics related to health, birth and death 1.03 Understand healthcare agencies, finances, and trends
Private Healthcare Agencies 1.03 Understand healthcare agencies, finances, and trends
Private Healthcare Agencies Non-Profit Supported by donations fees fundraisers grants Usual focus: one disease or condition related group of disorders Examples Non-Profit Agencies are supported by donations, fees, fundraisers and grants. They usually focus on one disease or a related group of disorders. Non-profit agencies participate in research, public awareness and patient services. 1.03 Understand healthcare agencies, finances, and trends
Private Healthcare Agencies Non-Profit Participate in: Non-Profit Agencies are supported by donations, fees, fundraisers and grants. They usually focus on one disease or a related group of disorders. Non-profit agencies participate in research, public awareness and patient services. services education research 1.03 Understand healthcare agencies, finances, and trends
Private Healthcare Agencies For-Profit 1.03 Understand healthcare agencies, finances, and trends
Private Healthcare Agencies For-Profit Provide patient services Expect monetary profit Use profit for agency growth and to increase services 1.03 Understand healthcare agencies, finances, and trends
Private Healthcare Agencies For-Profit -Inpatient- An inpatient facility is where patients stay overnight to receive medical care and treatment. 1.03 Understand healthcare agencies, finances, and trends
Private Healthcare Agencies For-Profit -Inpatient- Hospital Mostly inpatient services with some outpatient services Type is determined by size, ownership, and services offered. General Specialty Government University or college medical centers 1.03 Understand healthcare agencies, finances, and trends
Private Healthcare Agencies For-Profit -Inpatient- Long Term Care Facilities Care provided to patients who: - have chronic conditions or disabilities that require assistance with daily activities - are adults over the age of 18 - need long term or short term care 1.03 Understand healthcare agencies, finances, and trends
Private Healthcare Agencies For-Profit -Inpatient- Types of long term care facilities Adult care homes Assisted living facilities Continuing care retirement communities Nursing homes 1.03 Understand healthcare agencies, finances, and trends
Private Healthcare Agencies For-Profit Outpatient Patient receives ambulatory care. Patient does not stay overnight in the facility. 1.03 Understand healthcare agencies, finances, and trends
Private Healthcare Agencies For-Profit Outpatient 1.03 Understand healthcare agencies, finances, and trends
Private Healthcare Agencies For-Profit Outpatient Adult Day Care 1.03 Understand healthcare agencies, finances, and trends
Private Healthcare Agencies For-Profit Outpatient Doctors’ Offices 1.03 Understand healthcare agencies, finances, and trends
Private Healthcare Agencies For-Profit Outpatient Emergency Care Double click on the speaker in the lower L corner for siren. 1.03 Understand healthcare agencies, finances, and trends
Private Healthcare Agencies For-Profit Outpatient Home Health 1.03 Understand healthcare agencies, finances, and trends
Private Healthcare Agencies For-Profit Outpatient Hospice Care Life expectancy is less than 6 months Family care Palliative care, death with dignity Counseling for the family and support after the patient’s death Patient care 1.03 Understand healthcare agencies, finances, and trends
1.03 Understand healthcare agencies, finances, and trends Private Healthcare Agencies For-Profit Outpatient Industrial Healthcare 1.03 Understand healthcare agencies, finances, and trends
Private Healthcare Agencies For-Profit Outpatient Laboratory Services 1.03 Understand healthcare agencies, finances, and trends
1.03 Understand healthcare agencies, finances, and trends Private Healthcare Agencies For-Profit Outpatient Mental Health Services 1.03 Understand healthcare agencies, finances, and trends
Private Healthcare Agencies For-Profit Outpatient Outpatient Clinics 1.03 Understand healthcare agencies, finances, and trends
1.03 Understand healthcare agencies, finances, and trends Private Healthcare Agencies For-Profit Outpatient School Health Services Mostly care for young, healthy students. Provide care for acute illness and injury. Provide health maintenance procedures such as physicals, and immunizations. Promote healthy behaviors, educate Counseling services 1.03 Understand healthcare agencies, finances, and trends