Department of Information on Real Estate Head Office of Geodesy and Cartography Address register in Poland Ewelina Brzezińska Department of Information on Real Estate Head Office of Geodesy and Cartography
Condition of address data in PolandGUGiK’s activitiesManagment system of address data
The localities, streets and addresses register (EMUiA) is being maintained by the local authorities, using an IT system The localities, streets and addresses register (EMUiA) is being maintained by the local authorities, using an IT system EMUiA is fundamental to the functioning of the state – being a part of the address system (together with plates showing names of streets, squares and building numbers) EMUiA is fundamental to the functioning of the state – being a part of the address system (together with plates showing names of streets, squares and building numbers) EMUiA was developed on base fo previous address system – the analog real estate register EMUiA was developed on base fo previous address system – the analog real estate register President of the Head Office of Geodesy and Cartography – is the public authority in charge of the address register President of the Head Office of Geodesy and Cartography – is the public authority in charge of the address register
Real Estate RegisterAddress Register Data on real estate ordinal numbers Data on towns, streets, addresses (ordinal numbers) Descriptive dataDescriptive and spatial data No standards for data structure and data exchange format Standards for data structure and data exchange format No standards on how register should be maintained Register maintained within an IT system Ordinal numbers of real estateOrdinal numbers of buildings
Deficiencies within building sequential numbers Lack of qualified staff Lack of proper tools to maintain the register Lack of numerical source/ background data Low data coherence Lack of funds for data arrangement Adjusting the sources of law and developing standards Adjusting the sources of law and developing standards Training The Teryt2 i Teryt3 projects
ul. Stefana Batorego ≠ ul. Batorego Stefana Street nameAddress numberTown name Stefana Batorego 50C Kędzierzyn – Koźle Batorego Stefana50 CKędzierzyn Koźle Batorego50cKedzierzyn- Kozle S. BatoregoKędzierzyn –Koźle St. BatoregoKędzierzyn – Koźle Batorego S. Batorego St.
Every sequential numer is assigned an address point, described, among other attributes, by: -X,Y coordinates, -status of a building (existing, under construction, planned), -building location, -information on the part of a building representing the address point.
An existing building or a building under construction A planned building Determining spatial location of existing, under construction or planned buildings
The Act of May 17th 1989, Geodetic and cartographic lawThe Act of March 4th 2010 on spatial data infrastructure Decree of the Minister of Administration and Digitization of January 9th 2012 r. on the localities, streets and addresses register Decree of the Cabinet of April on the National Interoperability Framework Decree of the Cabinet of January 10 th 2012, on the national register of borders and areas of territorial division units 10
The IT system used to maintain the register includes: MechanismsAccess control Notifications Confirmations RegistersServices
The EMUiA Application
An IT system used to transform, update and provide access to data on borders of territorial division units and address points Integrated with the national geoportal GEOPORTAL.GOV.PL Data updated by web services, WFS
Localities, streets and addresses register National Register of Borders and Areas of Territorial Division Units GML Local address database (Municipal) Central address database (GUGiK) addresses Municipalities are required to provide the National Register of Borders (PRG) with any new or modified register data related to addresses and their spatial locations, on a regular basis, also using online services.
PRG Management System Geoportal Services: User of Spatial data services WMS, WFS Reference address register services Services: User of Spatial data services WMS, WFS Reference address register services CustomersLocal level EMUiA Application Central level - GUGiK
@GUGiKgovpl gugik