A NNUAL EQUIPMENT I NVENTORY Enterprise Asset Management
A NNUAL E QUIPMENT I NVENTORY Assets Defined Small Value Property - $3, $4, Capital Asset - > $5, Building Code Resources Loan Agreements NEW Enterprise Asset Management
A NNUAL E QUIPMENT I NVENTORY Go to PeopleSoft Reporting Tools > Query Manager and run query: MCG_AM_CAMPUS_INV_BY_DEPT. Multiple department ID endings, can use a percent sign after the beginning of your dept. ID to pull all area’s data. Print spreadsheet for Physical Inventory. You may customize spreadsheet to make inventory easy for you (must include Tag Number, Description, and Location). Enterprise Asset Management
A NNUAL E QUIPMENT I NVENTORY Items that are listed but are no longer physically located in the department will require proper documentation to remove them (i.e. Moving Request, Lost/Stolen Report, with recipient copied, etc.). Assets found but not on listing should be manually added to list. Special Attention: All assets must have 1) a tag number, and 2) valid and complete locations ( no blank tag number field, PL1117C or no room # in location ). Enterprise Asset Management
A NNUAL E QUIPMENT I NVENTORY The Assistant Equipment Control Officers make all changes to locations in PeopleSoft. Inventories not entered will be returned to the control officer. Transfers and corrections require documentation and are turned in with the inventory. Department Heads, Deans, or Department Chairs are required to sign inventory listing submitted for their departments. Send complete inventory to Asset Management before Tuesday, May 26, 2015 Enterprise Asset Management
A NNUAL E QUIPMENT I NVENTORY Files and Forms Presentation for Annual Campus Equipment Inventory pdf Custodian Form Lost / Stolen Report tions pdf Enterprise Asset Management
MCG Components MCG Utilities Enterprise Asset Management
MCG Inventory Click Search Enterprise Asset Management
A NNUAL E QUIPMENT I NVENTORY Failure to follow Property Control Policies and Procedures may result in disciplinary action ranging from counseling, to written reprimands, to further action up to and including dismissal from employment. Complete inventories may be returned via: Inter-campus mail: RE1000 / 1555 Clay Street If you need help meeting the schedule, please call for assistance. Enterprise Asset Management