Myth #1: The purpose and focus of Concurrent Enrollment is to accumulate as much college credit as possible while still in high school.


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Presentation transcript:

Myth #1: The purpose and focus of Concurrent Enrollment is to accumulate as much college credit as possible while still in high school.

Myth #1: The purpose and focus of Concurrent Enrollment is to accumulate as much college credit as possible while still in high school. BUSTED!

Myth #2: UVU Concurrent Enrollment Credit does not transfer to other schools. Credit is only good at UVU.

Myth #2: UVU Concurrent Enrollment Credit does not transfer to other schools. Credit is only good at UVU. BUSTED! Official UVU transcripts transfer to all public higher education institutions in Utah. GE courses transfer to public institutions as GE credit. UVU CE always recommends to students to verify with the receiving institution HOW the credit will be applied. Utah Public Institutions BYU and UVU are friends! Share common students AND we are each other’s biggest feeder schools. Admissions Office, Academic Advisers – meet and communicate continually. | new students | transfer credit | Viola! BYU

CE generates money for the high schools. Myth #3

Receive 60% of Funds if Taught by Public School; 40% if Taught by University Receive 60% of Funds if Taught by University; 40% if Taught by Public School Aid in professional development of adjunct faculty Assist with delivery costs for distance learning programs Participate in the costs of personnel who work with CE Provide student textbooks and other instructional materials Cover fee waivers costs or expenses for eligible CE students Purchase classroom equipment required to conduct CE courses These funds are dispersed to Districts and subsequently to schools. Provide professional development and training Pay staff and administrative costs Create and distribute marketing Office costs University overhead costs Confirmed. The funds shall first be allocated proportionally, based upon student credit hours delivered.

Myth #4: CE students are college students; therefore, upon transitioning to campus, they lose new-student status.

Myth #4: CE students are college students; therefore, upon transitioning to campus, they lose new-student status. Confirmed. and BUSTED! (Trick Question) CE Students DO NOT LOSE New- student Status When Transition to Campus CE students are still considered for new- student scholarships CE students meet with major adviser, declare a major, receive orientation CE students eligible for financial aid CE Students ARE OFFICIALLY UVU Students; however…

Students must choose to participate in AP, CE, or DE. They cannot participate in more than one program at a time. Myth #5

Myth #5: Students must choose to participate in AP, CE, or DE. They cannot participate in more than one program at a time. Confirmed. And Busted! (Another one) Confirmed.  High School Course Offerings  High School Transcripts  College Transcripts  College Admissions  College Scholarships Busted!  High School Course Offerings  High School Schedule  High School Transcripts  College Transcripts  College Admissions  College Scholarships

What are the qualifications to participate in Concurrent Enrollment? What is the difference between Concurrent Enrollment, AP, IB, and Early College? How will CE credit affect my high school and/or college GPA? Are Home-Schooled students eligible to apply for Concurrent Enrollment? How much will this cost? How many courses can I enroll in? When is the latest I can drop/withdrawal from a course without being penalized? Will my credits transfer to other institutions? How would Concurrent Enrollment credit affect my ability to obtain a scholarship? How could I find out more information about a course? What happens if the course is too difficult? What if I don’t want to attend the college where the credit is being offered? Can I get my associate degree while still in high school? Can I use concurrent classes to fulfill the requirements for the Regents Scholarship? Can I use concurrent classes to fulfill the NCAA requirements?

Myth #6: There are too many questions! …and not enough answers!

Myth #6: There are too many questions and not enough answers! BUSTED! Academic Advising Tab – Policies and Procedures Resources Planning Educational Links Contact Us Tab – HS Personnel Training HS Visits, Presentations

CE students are actual college students with the same responsibilities as well as the same resources. Myth #7:

Myth #7: CE students are actual college students with the same responsibilities as well as the same resources. Confirmed. Generate an official transcript Have access to academic advisers Have access to labs, library, tutoring Can get a student ID card Can participate in clubs Receive s and notifications Receive bookstore discounts

Myth #8: Colleges generally have complete control over CE courses.

Colleges and Universities granting the credit… Course Content | Syllabus, Teaching Methods Faculty Credentials | Interaction, Professional Development Assessment | Collaboration, Comparison, Pilot Studies Benefit: Accept Credit, Accept Transfer of Credit, Partner with Public Schools Benefit: Collegial Interaction, University Support, Professional Development and Training, University Resources Myth #8: Colleges generally have complete control over CE courses. Plausible.

There is incredible involvement and support from the UVU CE Team! Myth #9

Myth #9: There is incredible involvement and support from the UVU CE Team! Confirmed. ~Our Communications and Support Model for High Schools~ Initially:New Teacher CE and Department Training Annually:Registration Kick Off held at the High Schools Professional Development Conference Site Coordinator Training and Meetings Spring Lunch Visits and Training Principal Lunches and Individual Principal Training District and Regional Director Meetings Department Visits Jr. High and HS Counselor Training As Requested:Academic Assemblies Tables and Displays for Special Events Parent-Teacher Nights Scholarship and Financial Presentations

Things are constantly changing and it’s difficult to keep track of it all. Myth #10:

Myth #10: Things are constantly changing and it’s difficult to keep track of it all. Confirmed. (That’s why you have heroes that BUST them!)

We can take college classes at our high school and earn real credit, transferable credit. We save a lot of time and money. We transition better from high school to college We are introduced to college procedures and policies. We have UVU resources at our high school and on campus. We gain experience and confidence to succeed in college! WHY?

Affordable access to higher education. Presence of a college-going culture. Strengthened transition between high school and college. Administration, faculty, and counselors receive professional development. College resources available to students and teachers. Funding for advanced curriculum and learning opportunities. Funding for additional courses or sections. WHY?

Principals: Concurrent Enrollment Aint What it Used to Be…  All UVU CE courses must be CTE, General Education, Prerequisite for a Major or GE, or Major requirement.  All UVU CE courses are reviewed annually by the CE department as well as the corresponding department on campus. Course content and assessment must match or be equal to what is delivered on campus.  All CE courses are reviewed by local districts as well as by the Utah State Office of Education every year.  All CE instructors are considered adjunct faculty and must have the same credentials as those teaching on campus.  All CE instructors must receive department-specific training, department visits, professional development, and CE training each year in order to be compliant.  All CE students apply and are registered as UVU students. They must meet the same prerequisites, must do the same work, and will generate an official transcript. WHY Concurrent Enrollment? It can benefit families, schools, and communities!

The National Alliance of Concurrent Enrollment Partnerships (NACEP) works to ensure that college courses offered by high school teachers are as rigorous as courses offered on the sponsoring college campus. As the sole accrediting body for concurrent enrollment partnerships, NACEP helps these programs adhere to the highest standards so students experience a seamless transition to college and teachers benefit from meaningful, ongoing professional development. NACEP standards include Curriculum, Faculty, Student, Assessment, and Program Evaluation. Utah Valley University is accredited by The National Alliance of Concurrent Enrollment Partnerships