1 Waste Management David Nickless Environmental Management Los Alamos Field Office March 3, 2015
2 LANL Transuranic Waste Program
3 Regulatory Framework DOE Radiological Regulatory Authority Authority under Atomic Energy Act DOE Order Change 1, Radioactive Waste Management Low-Level Radioactive Wastes (LLW) and Transuranic (TRU) Wastes New Mexico Environment Department Authority Hazardous waste regulations implement EPA Resource Conservation and recovery Act (RCRA) requirements Hazardous Waste Facility Permit addressing treatment, storage, and disposal of hazardous wastes Waste Disposal LLW disposal operations in Area-G is under DOE authority under the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) TRU wastes in Area G include newly-generated TRU from NNSA operating facilities and Legacy TRU (EM responsibility) DOE authority over TRU handling, processing, shipment, and disposal NMED authority over treatment, storage, and disposal of hazardous materials under permits
4 Facilities 3 Hazard Category II Nuclear Facilities TA-54 Area G – used for storage, certification, venting, and processing TA-54 Radioassay and Nondestructive Testing (RANT) – used for staging and shipping TA-50 Waste Characterization Reduction and Repackaging Facility (WCRRF) – used for drum repackaging
5 TA 54 Area G 63 Acre Site 10 Large Storage Domes Central Characterization Project (CCP), Assay, Real-Time Radiography (RTR), Gas Analysis, In-Situ Object Counting System (ISOCS) Drum Venting 3 Repackaging Lines (412, 375, 231)
6 TA-54 RANT 10,000 square foot facility TRUPACT II Loading Facility Second 5 Ton Crane Added in 2013 to eliminate single point failure Capability for average of 5 shipments a week, with surge to 12 Department of Transportation (DOT) compliant shipping using DOE's national treatment and disposal contracts
7 TA-50 WCRRF Hazard Category II Nuclear Facility Operation consists of outside transportainer storage and one operating glovebox Facility maintains cascading ventilation though two ventilation systems High Material at Risk (MAR) Drums
8 Current Above Grade Transuranic Inventory
9 Below Grade Inventory Waste CategoryDescriptionLegacy Containers Volume (m 3 ) MAR (PE-Ci) Trenches A-D720 Drums at 30 Gallons Each ,870 Pit 93,881 Drums and 197 Boxes4,0781,5606,019 Corrugated Metal Pipes (CMPs)158 CMPs at 30" in Diameter by 20' Long , Lined Shafts 32 Shafts w/ RH hot cell debris; 1 shaft contains reactor vessel Hot Cell Liners 5 shafts with RH hot cell lines TRU with Tritium Packages4 Tritium Torpedoes and 1 Tritium Tank56.78 RH Canisters1 Canister TOTAL5,0002,400110,751
10 Issues Processing of Legacy TRU Waste Operations have been paused Nitrate Salts stored under continuous surveillance and protection per Nitrate Salt Container Isolation Plan Corrective Actions, internal and external programmatic evaluations / reviews, and regulatory discussions are ongoing and will impact future operations Nitrate Salts require treatment prior to disposal RANT Seismic Potential Inadequacy in the Safety Analysis (PISA) has RANT operations curtailed Continued integration of Legacy TRU and Newly-Generated TRU processing Future integration with RCRA permitted unit closures and demolition activities expected in phases at facility’s end-of-life
11 Questions Questions?