Update on NYS Diploma Requirements and Pathway to Graduation Proposal Carol Bush Professional Development Specialist Center for School Improvement & Professional Development Orleans/Niagara BOCES
Diploma Requirements in NYS are Two Fold 22 Diploma Credits 5-9 Assessments Completing a unit of study and mastering the learning outcomes for the course Obtaining a passing score on a Regents Examination, Regents Competency Test (RCT)*, or Department Approved Alternative *The RCT is only available to students who entered grade 9 prior to Sept 2011
Existing Diploma Requirements 22 Credits 4 ELA 3 Mathematics 3 Science 4 Social Studies ½ Health 1 Arts 1 Language Other Than English (LOTE) 2 Physical Education 3 ½ Electives earningcredit/ 5 Assessments ELA 1 Math 1 Science Global History and Geography US History and Government Note: There are Department Approved Alternatives to some of the Regents Exams found at: assessment/hsgen/archive /list.pdf
How will Pathways affect existing diploma requirements? Credit Requirements: No change – 22 Credits Assessment Requirements: Students who are otherwise eligible to graduate June 2015 and thereafter will have the following assessment options if the pathway proposal is implemented. All Students must pass the following four (4) required Regents Exams: 1Math, 1Science, 1SocialStudies, ELA; and Students must choose one (1) of the following additional examinations: – Additional Social Studies Regents Exam; or – Additional Science Regents Exam; or – Additional Math Regents Exam; or – Approved CTE, LOTE or Arts Pathway Assessment; or – Department Approved Alternative Assessment found at the following link (This assessment must measure content other than that measured by one of the four required Regents Exams)
Regents Pathway Diploma Concept 4 Regents Exams + 1 Pathway Exam STEM 2 nd math (any of the three Regents) or 2 nd science (any of the four Regents) or any math or science exam from the list of Department Approved Alternative Assessments Humanities 2 nd social studies (Regents) or any English or social studies assessment from the list of Department Approved Alternative Assessments Career and Tech (CTE) SED approved Technical Assessment following SED approved CTE Program LOTE – in progress… (locally developed Checkpoint B exams not approved pathway assessment) Art – in progress…
What are the Pathway Assessments in CTE? Currently, the following 13 assessments have been recommended for approval as CTE pathway assessment Pathways.pdf The ProStart National Certificate of Achievement Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) Student Certification A+ Certification (CompTIA) Network+ Certification (CompTIA) National Institute of Metal Working (NIMS) Skills Certification PrintED Student Electronics Technician (SET) Carpentry Level-1 Certification Assessment of Skills and Knowledge for Business (A*S*K) Advertising and Design (NOCTI) Accounting – Basic (NOCTI) Agricultural Mechanics (NOCTI) Hospitality Management – Food and Beverage (NOCTI)
STEM and Humanities Pathways What are the approved pathway assessments in STEM? Any additional science or mathematics Regents Exam Any science or mathematics examination on the Department Approved Alternative Examination list found at What are the approved pathway assessments in Humanities? Any additional social studies Regents Exam Any English or social studies assessment from the list of Department Approved Alternatives Examinations found at
LOTE and the Arts Pathways What are the approved pathway assessments in the Arts and Biliteracy (LOTE)? Pathway assessments in the Arts and LOTE have not yet been approved by the Department. As soon as assessments have been identified they will be released. Locally developed Checkpoint B examinations in LOTE are not approved pathway assessments.
Social Studies Changes that Impact the Diploma Requirements When is the first administration of the new Global History and Geography II (1750 to present) Regents Examination? The first administration will be in June Designed to be administered at the end of grade 10 and cover only the content from year 2 (1750-present) of this course. Students entering grade 9 in September 2016 will be subject to this exam. How will the Social Studies credit requirements change as a result of the proposed changes to part 100? Currently the graduation requirements call for 4 credits in Social Studies. 1 credit must be US History, 1 ⁄ 2 must be Economics and 1 ⁄ 2 must be Participation in Government. Under the proposed change to part 100, the remaining 2 credits in Social Studies will have to be in Global History and Geography.
Good to Note Applies to June 2015 Graduates No need to “Declare” a Pathway Blue Ribbon Panel reviewing additional exams 1,000 approved CTE programs in NYS, only 150 of those are currently using one of the 13 CTE Pathway assessments LOTE & Art Pathways not yet approved (January BOR)
Resources October Regents Item CTE Program Approval Process Multiple Pathways Video pathways.html pathways.html Department Approved Alternative Assessments
Questions? Program approval process impact Aspirational impacts