Foreign Affairs Security Training Center (FASTC) U.S. General Services Administration U.S. Department of State FASTC Project Update and Subcontracting Opportunities October 21, 2014
FASTC Project Overview Overview Agenda FASTC Project Overview GSA and DOS Roles Diplomatic Security & FASTC Purpose FASTC Program Update Next Steps Master Planning NEPA / EIS Process Design Subcontractor Goals Contractor Goals Questions & Answers
GSA and DOS Project Management The U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) is responsible for conducting environmental studies, acquiring sites and providing construction procurement, construction management, commissioning and other services necessary to complete the FASTC project. The U.S. Department of State (DOS) performed Master Planning studies for the project and coordinates with GSA during environmental studies, construction procurement, construction management and commissioning. GSA is leading the Master Plan update effort.
U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Diplomatic Security (DS) Mission Statement: “The Bureau of Diplomatic Security provides a secure platform for the conduct of U.S. foreign policy.” Diplomatic Security (DS) is the security and law enforcement arm of the U.S. Department of State. DS protects people, property, and information at over 275 U.S. embassies and consulates worldwide. In the United States, DS protects the Secretary of State, conducts visa and passport fraud investigations, and provides protection for some visiting foreign dignitaries. DS will operate and maintain the training center when complete.
U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Diplomatic Security FASTC Project Purpose U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Diplomatic Security Current training is conducted at multiple contracted locations nationwide. Consolidation is needed to improve efficiency and enhance training operations. Establish a facility from which to conduct hard-skills training for a wide array of law enforcement and security disciplines. Train 8,000 to 10,000 students per year.
Proposed Site: Fort Pickett, Blackstone, VA Virginia Blackstone Fort Pickett
Original Full Scope Build Plan Project will be de-scoped FASTC Revised Master Plan: Completed 9/2014 7
Reduced Scope FASTC Activities Hard Skills Training Driving Tracks Indoor/Outdoor Firing & Explosive Ranges Mock Urban Environments Weapons & Explosives Support Classrooms Administrative Offices Fitness Center Medical and Fire/EMS Infrastructure Power, Water, Waste Buildings and Grounds Telecommunications Logistics Support 8
Critical Path Master Plan Update EIS Design Land Acquisition Construction
Master Planning – Reduced Scope Critical Path – Master Plan Update Master Planning – Reduced Scope Master Planning – Reduced Scope In September 2014, the FASTC project team completed evaluating the existing Plan against the DOS realignment of the project to a hard-skills only training facility, and have updated the Master Plan and Program of Requirements to reflect this change. This update will serve as the basis for NEPA studies and design activities moving forward.
Critical Path – NEPA / EIS NEPA / EIS A Supplement to the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is now being prepared. NOI to Prepare a EIS was published in September 2014. Completion of the Supplement to the EIS may take up to 10-12 months and will be done concurrently with the design of the facility. The EIS process continues to emphasize public involvement and consists of the following steps: Develop Supplemental Draft EIS Issue Final EIS to EPA Public Review Period Public Comment Period Issue Record of Decision Public Meeting
Master Planning – Reduced Scope Critical Path – Design Master Planning – Reduced Scope Master Planning – Reduced Scope Architect/Engineer (A/E) will commence design services on 10/31/14. Project will be Design-Bid-Build 5 design packages are being prepared by the A/E. Design packages range in size from $20M - $150M Some design packages may be combined in a single construction contract depending upon funding availability.
Upcoming Milestones Begin Construction Procurements January 2015 Package 1–100% Construction Documents March 2015 Award First Construction Procurement July 2015
Opportunity Information Opportunities for Local Contractors: Federal Business Opportunities ( Future Small Business Fairs / Networking Prospects Small business subcontracting goals Link to FASTC website for more details on contracting and employment opportunities:
Subcontracting Goals GSA is deeply committed to subcontracting with small business concerns. All large businesses are required to submit a subcontracting plan with their proposal. This subcontracting plan must be approved by GSA prior to award. Following are the current subcontracting goals for FY2015: Small Business Concerns : 25% Small Disadvantaged Business Concerns: 5% Women-Owned Small Business Concerns: 5% HUB Zone Small Business Concerns: 3% Veteran-Owned Small Business Concerns: 3% Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business: 3%
Goals For Minority Goals For Female Participation Participation Contractor Goals There are also goals set by the Department of Labor for minority and female participation, expressed in terms of a percentage, for the Contractor's aggregate work force in each trade, on all construction work. Requirement for affirmative action to ensure equal employment opportunity for construction, the goals for the covered area of Blackstone, Nottoway County, Virginia. Goals For Minority Goals For Female Participation Participation For Each Trade For Each Trade 27.9% 6.9% These goals are applicable to all of the construction work performed during the FASTC project.
Questions? Please contact us with any questions or comments about the FASTC project: FASTC Phone Line: 215-446-4815 FASTC E-mail: FASTC Website: