EESC public hearing White Paper on Transport: Where do we stand? Stocktaking of the 2011 White Paper vision and action points – what has been achieved,


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Presentation transcript:

EESC public hearing White Paper on Transport: Where do we stand? Stocktaking of the 2011 White Paper vision and action points – what has been achieved, which are the remaining challenges? Rolf Diemer, HoU European Commission, DG MOVE

2011 White Paper strategy Less energy, Cleaner energy, and Better use of infrastructure Goal Challenges Instruments Growing congestion: no longer only in cities Price of oil: revised upwards (latest IEA) notwithstanding shale oil GHG emissions: a concern for the transport system worldwide A programme of 40 initiatives Safeguard mobility for people and businesses How?

nternal market : Create a genuine Single European Transport Area by eliminating all residual barriers between modes and national systems. nnovation : EU research needs to address the full cycle of research, innovation and deployment in an integrated way. nfrastructure : EU transport infrastructure policy needs a common vision and sufficient resources. The costs of transport should be reflected in its price in an undistorted way. nfrastructure : EU transport infrastructure policy needs a common vision and sufficient resources. The costs of transport should be reflected in its price in an undistorted way. nternational : Opening up third country markets in transport services, products and investments continues to have high priority. The programme – 4 “i”s and 40 actions

Overview of the progress


Internal Market (1) Commission: * legislative proposals on the single market in rail, aviation and maritime * limited progress on social dimension * initiatives to improve cargo security * aviation safety package this year * revision of air passenger rights directive, but slow progress in multimodal transport

Legislator: * pending adoption of the main initiatives on the single market, * pending adoption of the directive on seafarers * initiatives related to road and aviation safety adopted (FTL), 4 th railway package pending * air passenger rights regulation pending Overall progress: mixed – various legislative proposals made, but adoption delayed Internal Market (2)


Innovation (1) Commission: * Horizon 2020 and other technology roadmaps provide a good support for research and innovation; larger budget; more focused * limited progress in the regulatory framework on CO 2 emission standards, vehicle labeling and technology deployment * urban mobility package adopted and additional work under way

Innovation (2) Legislator: * Horizon 2020 adopted * CPT amended and adopted * Links with CEF and ESIF instruments set up Overall progress: Very limited in promoting more sustainable behaviour area, otherwise good, but with a scope for additional initiatives Need for paradigm shift to address decarbonization, congestion, safety


Infrastructure (1) Commission: * adoption of TEN-T and implementing guidelines * the financing framework established – CEF, ESIF, the Investment Plan for Europe * no progress in energy/ vehicle taxation and no new infrastructure charging scheme proposed so far

Infrastructure (2) Legislator: * proposals on TEN-T and financial framework adopted * no agreement on the energy taxation directive Overall progress: very good in infrastructure planning and funding framework, but very limited in getting prices right (user/polluter pays)


International dimension Commission: research partnership to reduce emissions in aviation, removal of exemptions for liner shipping conferences, communication the EU's external aviation policy. Legislator: no action Overall progress: some, but in general, work ongoing

Summary of progress * Good progress of the Commission with proposing new initiatives Single Market, passenger rights, infrastructure are the areas where important proposals were made internalisation of external costs, transport taxation, deployment of technologies and social issues are the areas were more efforts are needed * Delays with the legislative adoption in some areas (Single Market, passenger rights) * The final result of some initiatives less ambitious than originally planned

The bigger picture - general New approach Juncker Commission:  * Clustering of initiatives: energy union; digital single market; growth & investment; EFSI etc.  * Further improvement of regulatory scrutiny and intensification of consultation with MS, stakeholders  * Adequate social framework  * Better focus of EU action: 'big on big things; small on small things'

Overall approach on transport * White Paper stock-taking might lead to a reflection on real needs of transport users, service providers, industry, public authorities, citizens = 'transport for people' * Take into account new situation: new technological opportunities, (temporarily?) lower oil prices; 2030 package, economic crisis … * MS meeting; public consultation, stakeholders feedback …