Copernicus Programme of the EU Synergies with WMO, RA VI and EUMETNET


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Presentation transcript:

Copernicus Programme of the EU Synergies with WMO, RA VI and EUMETNET ICG WIGOS 18 February 2015 WMO Geneva Dr. Silvo Žlebir European Commission – DG GROW European Environment Agency

EU Contribution to GEOSS ! It is about monitoring the environment Specific onjective was also to set up an independent EO infrastructure (satellite constelation) Fullfilling different far-reaching objectives… no secret also bringing new jobs and benefits to economy of the EU Started cca 10 years ago and evolving very much during this time EU Contribution to GEOSS !

Sustainable Information USERS Policy makers Private, commercial Public Different Needs & & Examples Farming Oil Spills Air quality Flood Surveillance Ice levels Information Services Atmo-sphere Emer-gency Climate Change Land Marine Security In situ and satellite data NRT or archive… Analyses, modelling and forecasting Land: three components (global, paneuropean and local), number of applications like mapping of biodiversity and ecosystems, urban planning, farming (status of vegetation, monitoring and managing drought, soil water index…) Marine: monitoring, modelling and analyses/forecasting of ocean parameters (waves, currents, salinity, biochemistry, temperature, sea ice etc), monitoring, modelling and forecasting of oil spills etc… Atmosphere: monitoring, modelling and forecasting of chemical composition of the atmosphere: greenhouse gases, reactive gases and pollutants, analysis, modelling and forecasting of pollution etc… Emergency: Mapping in cases of emergency situations (natural or man made disasters, e.g. flooding), activated on request, to help Civil protection and other authorities to act properly Climate Change: will deal with monitoring, analyses and giving access to different ECVs (essential climate variables) and indices in support to climatre change mitigationa and adaptation. To be operational in 2 years from now… WMO and met community can benefit as well… Security service: Border surveillance, maritime surveillance and support to the EU external actions Space Infrastructure In Situ Infrastructure Sustainable Information & OBSERVATION

Atmosphere Monitoring Analyses and re-analyses INTEGRATED EO Programme COPERNICUS 6 Services Land Monitoring Marine Monitoring Atmosphere Monitoring Emergency Management Climate Change Security Sentinels in-situ measurements EU and global sources: WMO /EUMETNET EuroGeographics EuroGOOS EuroArgo ICOS EARLINET … Contributing satellite missions Analyses and re-analyses Modeling Forecasting Service activations … EARLINET, the European Aerosol Research Lidar Network, is the first aerosol lidar network ICOS RI is a European research infrastructure (RI) to provide harmonised high precision data for advanced research on carbon cycle and greenhouse gas budgets and perturbations. …added-value products

REGULATION (EU) No 377/2014 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 3 April 2014 establishing the Copernicus Programme and repealing Regulation (EU) No 911/2010 Objectives of the programme Governance of the programme Budget for 2014 - 2020 Space component 3.394 million € Service & In-situ component 897 million € The new Regulation established the Copernicus program and repealled Regulation ((EU) No 911/2010) which set up the European Earth monitoring programme (GMES) and its initial operations (2011 to 2013). Briefly three slides showing that Copenricus is in an important transition now – firm legal base, sustainable funding, data policy

Copernicus in transition Dedicated infrastructure EU Operational programme Initial Operations Six operational services Preparatory actions R&D 2004 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2020

Sentinels Copernicus Sentinels Each satellite is technically different to meet the needs of the 6 services Sentinel 1 – radar imaging All weather, day/night applications Sentinel 2 – Optical imaging Land applications: urban, forest, agriculture,.. Sentinel 3+6 – Ocean and global land monitoring, high precision ocean altimetry Sentinel 4+5 – Atmosphere composition monitoring, from a geostationary (-4) and a polar orbit (-5)


Objectives of the data and information policy Promote the use and sharing of Copernicus data and information Support the European research, technology and innovation communities Strengthen Earth observation markets in Europe, in particular the downstream sector, with a view to enabling growth and job creation !!! GEO Data Policy Compliant !

In Situ Meteorological Data Needs of Copernicus Services Atmosphere Service air temperature, wind direction, wind speed, precipitation, air pressure, humidity, long wave radiation, shortwave (UV) radiation Emergency Management Service precipitation, air temperature, wind direction, wind speed, humidity Land Monitoring Service air temperature, water vapour, global solar radiation, infrared radiation, snow Marine Service temperature/global ocean, wind information/global ocean Climate Change Service and Security Service !! Requirements on: coverage, timeliness, metrological characteristics, meta data… Near-real time and/or Archive data (time series) Basic (substantial) data in some processes, ancillary data in others (validation/verification…)

In Situ Hydrological Data Needs of Copernicus Services Emergency Management Service river discharges, water levels Marine Service water levels Requirements on: coverage, timeliness, metrological characteristics, meta data… Near-realtime and/or Archive data (time series)

In Situ Hydro-Meteorological Data Needs of Copernicus Services Main data sources / data providers : National (Hydro)Meteorological services Other (minority) data providers, e.g.: World Radiation Data Centre Global Runoff Data Centre … WRDC under the umbrella of WMO in St. Petersbourg GRDC under the auspices of WMO in Koblenz

Copernicus – WMO / EUMETNET Partnership Copernicus to benefit from data provision: WMO - WIGOS, WMO RA VI … EUMETNET - grouping of 31 European National Meteorological Services General Agreement in preparation, recognizing: ECOMET, National data licensing policies WMO Resolution 40, 1995, 'essential' and 'additional' data… WMO & Meteorological Community to benefit from: Copernicus Space Component (Sentinels) and Services: Marine, Atmosphere, Climate Change, Emergency Management… WMO and Met Community benefits - New satellite observations Some services products are directly useful for the met community, national met services etc. Some national met sercvies are also partners in service providers consortia etc (Split marine center…) - Marine products, Climate change products, emergency and atmosphere… - WMO to cooperate in the Copernicus User Forum… and to explores other ways SYNERGIES AND MUTUAL BENEFITS !

Thank you for your attention