Vertriebs Factory The economic marketing solution for your company in Germany.
Agenda about us sectors / clients services references advantage for your company what we are looking for contact
About us founded 2003 actual 6 sales agent (in /outside) selected according to ZIP/post code or complete Germany our customers are from small and medium-sized businesses we take over only orders from branches in which we are well-versed we cooperate with partners from branches such as: IT, sales, marketing etc.
Sectors / Clients We are well-versed in following branches: mechanical engineering and construction automotive supplier electronical industry, measurement engineeering and process technique laboratories IT-sector; software service sector building industry and secondary contract work environment protection
Services to map out a sales strategy for the german market analysis of the market and the competitors marketing outsourcing CRM software is for us standard our office is open from monday till friday price and contract negotiations our office in Stuttgart can be your establishment in Germany launching the german market etc.
References One part of it………..
increase of the sales efficiency new customers - higher business volume – lower costs – more benefit systematic and complete market research introduction of new products – with predictable costs calculable distribution expenses no downtime because of holiday, illness, recruiting staff start within 2-3 weeks transparency of our sales activities transparent agent contract our office is occupied with a secretary / free of charge our office is your office adress in Germany / free of charge our salary is fixed (including all costs / plus commission) Advantage for your company
for partners to be represented by the Vertriebs Factory in Germany with excelent products and profitable collaboration What we are looking for
Vertriebs Factory Herdweg 14 D Stuttgart Tel.: +49 (0) Fax.:+49 (0) Web: Contact:Grozdina Petrovic (german/english/serbian) Jochen Gräfe (german/english) Contact