CONTENT Role and Mandate Current Strategic Focus Areas Why the need for ECD NDA ECD Achievements /14 2
ROLE AND MANDATE In terms of the National Development Agency (NDA) Act (Act No 108 of 1998 as amended), NDA was mandated to contribute towards the eradication of poverty and its causes by granting funds to civil society organisations (CSOs) to: Implement development projects in poor communities, and Strengthen the institutional capacity of other CSOs that provide services to poor communities. 3
CURRENT STRATEGIC FOCUS AREAS Contribution towards poverty eradication Capacity Building Early Childhood Development Income Generation Food Security & Nutrition 4
WHY THE NEED FOR ECD The South African government has, since 1994, prioritised Early Childhood Development (ECD) as an integral part of addressing the legacy of apartheid education policies ECD has been recognised as one of the most powerful tools of breaking the intergenerational cycle of poverty in South Africa A recent report entitled, “South Africa’s Children: A Review of Equity and Child Rights”, released by the South African Human Rights Commission, UNICEF and the Department of Women, Children and People with Disabilities notes that “just 43% of children under five in South Africa are exposed to an ECD programme at home, a centre or elsewhere and there are large disparities across provinces” The NDP and MTEF support early childhood intervention as a cost effective way of building a nation’s human capital and ensuring equitable participation of women in the labour force and social life of communities 5
CURRENT NDA INTERVENTIONS Early Childhood Development ECD practitioner training Support Food Security at ECD sites Educational material and strengthen the institutional capacity and management skills of ECD sites Limited financial resources for capital infrastructure for ECD sites ECD Campaign aimed at Increased level of resources to ECD and increase in the number of ECD sector programmes supported Improved quality of ECD programmes (Practitioners, Nutrition, Infrastructure). Increased number of beneficiaries impacted by ECD ECD Awards Aimed at increasing awareness of the need for such interventions and generate partnerships with resources 6
CURRENT NDA INTERVENTIONS CONT’D Mobile ECD Trucks They expand access by “taking ECD to communities” where there are no structures They bring services to the doorstep of families and communities that would otherwise not have an opportunity to register their children at an ECD site due to issues of affordability and distance Children from underprivileged families have the possibility and opportunity to be developed emotionally, physically, mentally and socially Indigent families can be linked to government services More communities can be reached through the mobile facilities The mobile truck programme deliberately empowers women and youth 7
NDA ECD ACHIEVEMENTS – 2013/14 (per province) ProvinceTotal Amount Approved Number of ECD NQF Level 4 trainees Number of Children enrolled in ECD sites Number of Jobs created in ECD Amount Approved for Infrastructure Development Eastern Cape R 2,944, R 1,968, Free State R 1,612, R 580, Gauteng R 2,632, R 534, Kwa-Zulu Natal R 2,804, ,06525R 341, Limpopo R 1,948, R 764, Mpumalanga R 2,055, R 670, North West Province R 1,306, ,17025R 782, Western Cape R 2,712, ,7129R 940, North West Province R 1,306, ,17025R 782, R 19,203, , R 6,635,
Thank you THANK YOU 9