2014 Survey on Living with Chronic Diseases in Canada (SLCDC): Mood & Anxiety Disorders National Mental Health and Addictions Information Collaborative Monday, November 3 rd, 2014
Background on the SLCDC »Overview, previous surveys and products 2014 SLCDC Mood & Anxiety Disorders »Objectives »Target population (CCHS screening question) »Sampling methods »Sample limitations »Survey content »Public health relevance »Data access »PHAC’s analytical plans and potential products Outline 2
Survey sponsored and developed by Public Health Agency of Canada in collaboration with Statistics Canada and expert group. Collects information related to the experiences of Canadians with chronic health conditions. 20 minute cross sectional survey, follow-up to CCHS. Every 2 years, 1 to 2 chronic disease covered in each cycle: Hypertension & Arthritis Diabetes & Respiratory Disease Neurological conditions Mood & Anxiety Disorders 3 Overview of the SLCDC
PHAC fact sheets Peer-reviewed articles PHAC website (e.g., data cubes) PHAC internal official statistics 4 Previous SLCDC products
Objectives 1.To identify factors which influence mental health/illness outcomes; 2.To assess the impacts of mood & anxiety disorders on Canadians adults; and 3.To provide more information on how people with mood &/or anxiety disorders manage their condition and to identify the barriers to care/self-management. *Final data file also includes linked responses from the 2013 CCHS (e.g., health determinants and co-morbidities) for those who agreed to link and share with Statistics Canada’s share partners SLCDC: Mood & Anxiety Disorders
Public health relevance The SLCDC data can be used by: »Governments and other stakeholders to better plan and provide health services for persons with mood & anxiety disorders and to develop public education campaigns primarily aimed at health promotion and disease prevention; and »Researchers to analyze and report on factors affecting, impacts and management of mood & anxiety disorders SLCDC: Mood & Anxiety Disorders
Target population To be identified from the 2013 CCHS »Respondents age 18+ (as of December 31 st, 2013) with a mood and/or an anxiety disorder living in privately occupied dwellings in the ten provinces. Excluded (represents < 3% overall Canadian population) »Persons living on reserves and other Aboriginal settlements; »Persons living in institutions and certain remote regions of QC; »Full-time members of the Canadian Forces; and »Territories SLCDC: Mood &/or Anxiety Disorders
CCHS screening question Now I’d like to ask about certain chronic health conditions which you may have. We are interested in “long-term conditions” which are expected to last or have already lasted 6 months or more and that have been diagnosed by a health professional. Do you have a mood disorder such as depression, bipolar disorder, mania or dysthmia? Yes/No Do you have an anxiety disorder such as a phobia, obsessive compulsive disorder or a panic disorder? Yes/No SLCDC: Mood & Anxiety Disorders
Sampling methods SLCDC: Mood & Anxiety Disorders
Sample (n=3,361) Should provide reliable estimates at national level for: »Overall: indicators with min prevalence of ~3% »By sex: indicators with min prevalence of ~4 to 8% »By age groups (18-34, 35-49, and 65+) with min prevalence of ~8 to 12% Should provide reliable regional estimates for indicators with higher prevalence ~7-18% Atlantic, QC, ON, Prairies, BC Limitations: »Sample size limits analyses by age and sex (especially males) »Sample size limits provincial estimates SLCDC: Mood & Anxiety Disorders
Content 1. General health 2. Confirmation of diagnosis 3. Medication use 4. Self-management 5. Contact with health professionals 6. Clinical recommendations 7. Restriction of activities 8. Restriction of work activities 9. Sleep 10. Stress 11. Social Provisions Scale SLCDC: Mood & Anxiety Disorders Survey questions were designed for computer-assisted interviewing (CAI) conducted by telephone.
Data availability Official released »October 30 th, 2014 Access to data: »PHAC - DCAP and DAIS »Public - Statistics Canada’s Research Data Centres (RDC) SLCDC: Mood & Anxiety Disorders
Potential products »PHAC fact sheet (underway) »Peer-reviewed articles (double theme issue in CDIC Spring 2016) »PHAC website (e.g., data cubes) »PHAC internal official statistics SLCDC: Mood & Anxiety Disorders
Analytic plans for peer-reviewed articles Analyst from the Agency’s Surveillance & Epidemiology Division (ACDC Section) to develop analytic plans in collaboration with: »Internal stakeholders e.g., Social Determinants and Science Integration Directorate, Centre for Health Promotion (Division of Children, Seniors and Healthy Development), Centre for Chronic Disease Prevention (Surveillance & Epidemiology Division, BELT Section). »External stakeholders e.g., PHAC’s Mental Health/Mental Illness Advisory Committee, others? SLCDC: Mood & Anxiety Disorders
Potential topics Time to diagnosis Co-morbidities Impacts Sleep Predictors of well being Concordance between clinical recommendations & medication use, counselling and physical activity All analysis will examine key factors that influence health status such as age, sex, education, income, Aboriginal status etc SLCDC: Mood & Anxiety Disorders
For more information about this survey: »Statistics Canada: SLCDC: Mood & Anxiety Disorders