Aroostook & Washington Workforce Investment Board Tracy Tweedie, MPH- Workforce Field Coordinator Background: 4 years as a Workforce Program Manager with NMDC. Before that worked 8.5 years as a Project Director for the Healthy Maine Partnership, Aroostook County.
NMDC Mission Northern Maine Development Commission is a membership organization comprised of participating communities & counties in the Aroostook and Washington Economic Development District. NMDC provides federal and state services at the regional and local levels. NMDC can assist with the likes of comprehensive planning, workforce development, tourism marketing, small business development and even business loans.
NMDC’s Other Projects EPIC Maine in collaboration with the TCWIB- Exploring Pathways to Industries and Careers in Maine JIAC Grant (Jobs Innovation and Accelerator Grant) Community Development Block Grants Tourism Brownfields Rural Development Maine Technical Institute Procurement Technical Assistance Center (PTAC) Community Planning Economic Development
NMDC’s Role in the RVCP Grant Regional coordination of veteran’s service providers in most rural areas of Maine and host job/resource fairs. Help 200 transitioning veteran’s and their families achieve employment goals by providing opportunities to meet directly with industry partners.
Plan to Move Forward February – May 2015 Start making contacts and meet with veteran’s reps from various agencies around the district (Aroostook and Washington Counties). Determine the gaps in services and benefits. Meet with new staff and organizations associated with the grant. Convene regional workgroups of veteran’s service providers in Aroostook and Washington Counties. Will collaborate with Tri-County Workforce Investment Board to increase industry partner communications. June – August 2015 Continue to meet with staff and develop regional workgroups. Start coordinating for job and resource fairs. September – November 2015 Hold resource and job fairs in Aroostook and Washington Counties.
Contact Information Tracy R. Tweedie, MPH NMDC, Workforce Field Coordinator 20 Hartford Street Houlton, ME Cell: