Donation & Transplantation Community of Practice (DTCP) Individuals and organizations that are committed to improving donation and transplantation practices across the nation.
DTCP Vision & Mission Vision A national organ donation and transplantation system that inspires public trust, provides donor organs for all those in need, and balances maximum transplant benefit, equity, and justice. Mission To align the goals and actions of public and private sector stakeholders in the organ donation and transplant community to collectively meet the need for organ donation and transplantation and effectively support the individuals and families involved in the process
DTCP Commitment The Donation and Transplantation Community of Practice is committed to a national culture of donation and transplantation where each individual has the opportunity to donate and the intention of those who are designated donors is honored 100% of the time. This culture will result in more lives saved through successful transplantation each year.
DTCP Strategic Planning Committee The DTCP Strategic Planning Committee, comprised of many community partner organizations and government agencies, including the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) and the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), has been meeting since September 2012 to develop a strategic plan for improving donation and transplantation practices across the nation. Most recently, this group of committed individuals and organizations identified and approved a collective goal
American Hospital Association (AHA) American Society of Transplantation (AST) American Society of Transplant Surgeons (ASTS) Association for Multicultural Affairs in Transplantation (AMAT) Association of Organ Procurement Organizations (AOPO) Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Donate Life America (DLA) Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) North American Transplant Coordinators Organization (NATCO) Organ Donation and Transplantation Alliance (The Alliance) Society of Critical Care Medicine (SCCM) The Joint Commission (TJC) United Network for Organ Sharing (UNOS) DTCP Strategic Planning Committee Member Organizations
The DTCP Collective Goal To Save and Heal More Lives by Increasing the Number of Organs Transplanted by 5,000 over the next Five Years. Developed by the Strategic Planning Committee
5000 in Five As measured by: Number of solid organs transplanted (living and deceased donors) Baseline year is 2014: projected 31,454 all organs transplanted Goal is defined as 5,000 more transplants over 5 years, not compounded
5000 in Five The table above shows a linear growth to reach the 5,000 in 5 goal Additional column: how many additional transplanted organs are needed each year Total column: total number of transplanted organs each year YearBaselineAdditionalTotal , , , , , ,4541,00032, ,4541,33332, ,454 1,667 33,121 5,000
Action: Communication to DSAs Requested Action: Communicate Message National meeting presentations Via Newsletter, Websites Acknowledge Commitments: (list by group) SCCM AHA Public Communication Challenge Goal Request action towards increasing state registries from every group OPO Communication Challenge Goal Life saving transplantation accountability
Regulatory Actions Message: Committees are in action to work with regulatory agencies to improve processes 1. Alignment of transplant center and OPO regulations by CMS (ACOT recommendation #55) 2. Development of an organ acceptance score (SRTR, OPTN) 3. Developing methods to reduce organ wastage through more efficient organ placement (Performance Improvement for National Standards (PINS), AOPO/AST/ASTS/UNOS (AAAU), Data Advisory Committee (DAC))
OPO Actions Lead efforts to increase state donor registries, involve public & hospital partners Honor all first person authorizations on deceased donors Collaborate with donor hospitals to treat every missed donor as a never event Develop accountability measures to assess true potential and increase donation rates Process improvements to reduce organ discard rates Work with Transplant Centers to improve living donation
Transplant Center Actions Implement centralized repository of resources on living donation Living donation app and advocacy to increase living donors Participate in increasing state donor registries for first person authorization Decrease organ wastage
Donor Hospital Actions Treat any missed donor as a never event Participate in increasing state donor registries Honor all first person authorizations on deceased donors Hold physicians accountable to complete brain death declaration regardless of family decisions about donation Engage palliative care in family conversations regarding brain death Collaborate with OPOs to treat potential donors and stop deceleration of care in ICUs
Next Steps Develop tracking mechanism and distribute progress towards goal on a quarterly basis