EIRA/CarTool e-SENS pilot Follow-up call ISA Programme Action 2.1 & February 2015 Follow-up call 03 February 2015
Click to edit Master title style Follow-up call February 2015 ItemTopic 1.Pilot: specific plan 2.Design solution architecture templates (SAT) 3.Document interoperability solutions
Follow-up call 03 February 2015 EIRA/CarTool e-SENS pilot 1. Pilot: specific plan ISA Programme Action 2.1 & February 2015
Click to edit Master title style Context 4 The objective of the e-SENS European Interoperability Reference Architecture (sEIRA) is to create a repository containing: ICT Architecture for e-SENS interoperability. Building Blocks (specifications and software) and related ICT Artefacts (guidelines, methodologies, whitepapers, reports). That makes e-SENS ICT Interoperability Building Blocks and related ICT Artefacts easy accessible. 01 Pilot: specific plan
Click to edit Master title style Needs 5 The following needs were identified in the context of this pilot. Leverage the EIRA as a underlying reference architecture Represent what e-SENS produced in a consistent way to on-board remaining countries to the e-SENS initiative. 01 Pilot: specific plan
Click to edit Master title style Solutions 6 The EIRA can support the sEIRA by leveraging e-SENS deliverables. This can be done by creating SAT using the EIRA methodology and by documenting Interoperability Specification collected during the e-SENS WP. This will be achieved using following use-cases: Design a solution architecture templates (SAT): Select and create a solution architecture template for the e-SENS’ e-ID, e-Signature, e-Delivery and e- Document SAT(s). Document the interoperability solutions: Leverage the Cartography Tool to create a portfolio of the current solutions of the e-SENS’ e-ID, e-Signature, e-Delivery and e-Document SAT(s). 01 Pilot: specific plan
Click to edit Master title style Pilot: Specific plan 7 01 Pilot: specific plan OwnerTask or milestone Target date JanuaryFebruaryMarchApril Use case create a solution architecture template for the e-SENS’ SAT(s) e-SENS First draft of the e-SENS wiki extended with the EIRA structure 30.1 e-SENS First draft of the 4 EIRA SATs: e-ID, e-Signature, e- Delivery and e-Document created 30.1 e-SENS First draft of the e-ID, e-Signature, e-Delivery and e- Document documented in the CarTool 30.1 e-SENSe-SENS wiki extended with the EIRA structure 15.2 e-SENS 4 EIRA SATs: e-ID, e-Signature, e-Delivery and e- Document created 15.2 e-SENS e-ID, e-Signature, e-Delivery and e-Document documented in the CarTool 15.2 Provide support on the use of EIRA and CarTool EC Pro-active guidance, support and helpdesk during the pilot ECKick-off workshop7 & 8.1 EC/e- SENS Status update conference call for the CarTool/EIRA30.1 Provide feedback on the EIRA and the CarTool e-SENSPilot evaluation survey 27.2 e-SENSPresentation at ISA Coordination group TBC
Click to edit Master title style Pilot: Communication plan 8 01 Pilot: specific plan Main contact person: Klaus Vilstrup Pedersen SPOC EIRA: Max Stahlecker SPOC CarTool: Costas Simatos Joinup issue tracker: (only for issues relevant to the general public)
EIRA/CarTool e-SENS pilot 2. Design a solution architecture templates (SAT) ISA Programme Action 2.1 & February 2015 Follow-up call 03 February 2015
Click to edit Master title style 1.Design solution architecture templates for (in order of preference) 1.e-ID 2.e-Document 3.e-Signature 4.e-Delivery 2.Solution Architecture Templates are : 1.Subsets of the EIRA focusing on most salient building blocks with some interoperability specifications on the each building blocks (mapped to EIF principles if applicable) _qyalenDseQQ/edit _qyalenDseQQ/edit 2.Has a description, a goal and addresses stakeholder’s needs (template architecture for specific domain) 2k153IfGwTZ0aQwbDRZofDtfRcaA_6itz25JeM/edithttps://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Hh_v- 2k153IfGwTZ0aQwbDRZofDtfRcaA_6itz25JeM/edit 3.Visual Diagram 3.Results are posted on e-SENS WIKI 10
EIRA/CarTool e-SENS pilot 3. Document interoperability solutions ISA Programme Action 2.1 & February 2015 Follow-up call 03 February 2015
Click to edit Master title style ? 12
Click to edit Master title style 13 Contact us Project Officers Project team For more information Cartography tool European Interoperability Cartography EIRA European Interoperability Reference Architecture EIA Joinup communityhttps://joinup.ec.europa.eu/asset/eia/description EIA project collaborative space A+Home ISA website ISA FAQ
Click to edit Master title style 14 This presentation was prepared for the ISA programme of the European Commission by PwC EU Services. The views expressed in this report are purely those of the authors and may not, in any circumstances, be interpreted as stating an official position of the European Commission. The European Commission does not guarantee the accuracy of the information included in this study, nor does it accept any responsibility for any use thereof. Reference herein to any specific products, specifications, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise, does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favouring by the European Commission. All care has been taken by the author to ensure that s/he has obtained, where necessary, permission to use any parts of manuscripts including illustrations, maps, and graphs, on which intellectual property rights already exist from the titular holder(s) of such rights or from her/his or their legal representative.