Unit 1 ORGANISMS Lesson 1
LEVELS OF ORGANIZATION BIOTIC: living things ABIOTIC: non-living things. Levels of organization is the way structures are organized, in several steps levels or groups.
LEVELS OF BIOLOGIC ORGANIZATION Starting at the simplest level, atoms are organized into molecules, which are organized into cells. Cells are organized into tissues, tissues into organs, organs into body systems, and body systems into individual multicellular organisms. A group of individuals of the same specie is a population. Populations of different species interact to form communities. A community and its abiotic environment form an ecosystem, while all communities of organisms on Earth make up biosphere.
ABIOTIC LEVEL OF ORGANIZATION SUBATOMIC LEVEL Made up by the smallest particles of matter, neutrons, protons and electron. ATOMIC LEVEL Made up by atoms, the basic unit of matter. MOLECULAR LEVEL Made up by molecules resulting from the union of 2 or more atoms. Ex. H2O
BIOTIC LEVEL OF ORGANIZATION CELULAR LEVEL Consists on cells, the basic unit of living- matter/life. A living thing form by only 1 cell is an unicelular organism. MULTICELULAR LEVEL Group of 2 or more cells gathered formed up multicelular organisms.
Biotic levels of organization Tissue, group of cells. Organ, group of tissues. System, group of organs. Organisms, group of systems.
Lesson 2 SUBLEVELS SUBLEVELFORMED UP BY EXAMPLE TissuecellsSkin OrgantissuesHeart SystemorgansRespiratory system OrganismssystemsA human being
WATER AND SALTS WATER H 2 O: carries out chemical reactions. In abscence: produces deshydratation, kidney problems SALTS: minerals that take part during chemical reaction. In abscence: produces anemia, ostheoporocis, muscular faintness
sugars They have an energetic function. Give energy formed at the metabolism process. It absences produces deabetes, weakness, faints, shocks, dizziness.
PROTEINS They are important part of the cell structure. Accelerate metabolism, carry oxygen in blood, carry substances and antibodie against virus and bacterias. Absence: produces anemia, low defense
LIPIDS These are very different substances, including oils, fats, cholesterol, etc. They keep the warmth of body and energy reserve. Absence: can produce cold hands and feet and also anemia.
NUCLEIC ACIDS There are two kind of nucleic acids: DNA and RNA. They are made up of many small molecules called nucleotides. Stores genetic information of a cell.
What are the insides of cell like? There are types of cells: –Procaryotic: cells where the nucleus isn´t separated from the rest of the cell. –Eucaryotic: cells where the nucleus is separated from the rest of the cell. Some facts… –Procaryotic cells do have DNA and RNA, but this genetic info is spread all through the cytoplasm. They are the simplest cells. –Eucaryotics are complex cell made up by several comparments with different functions called organelles.
EUCARYOTIC CELLS ANIMAL CELLPLANT CELL Both are Eucaryotic cells, but there are some small differences in their insides…
ANIMAL CELLS Nucleus Cellular Membrane Cytoplasm Ribosomes Endoplasmatic Reticulum Mitochondria Vacuoles Golgi Apparatus Contains genetic info and controls functions of cell Holds cell together, protect and controls what gets in or out of the cell Liquid substance which gives cell its shape, contains dissolved matter. Made up by proteins, produce proteins. Transport substances (Rough-proteins, Smooth- lipids) along the cell. Energy is produced through chemical reactions (cellular respiration) Store substances such as lipids and proteins. Produces glucose and store bio-molecules.
PLANT CELLS Plant cells contain the organelles mentioned before for animal cell, however, plant cells also possess special organelles: Cell Wall Chloroplast Protects the cell and provides rigidness Responsible for the cell photosynthesis, that provides cell its own energy There are others organelles which won’t be mentioned nor studied, but a fact to know is that the only organelle presented only on animal cell and not in plant cells is the Centrosome or Centriole. Now organelles sometimes present in both cells that are use for cell motion are flagella and cilia.