Review of spectrum policy and management framework The ACMA perspective Giles Tanner
Radiocommunications Act 1992 (The Act); ACMA Act 2005; Radiocommunications (Transmitter Licence Tax) Act; Radiocommunications (Receiver Licence Tax) Act; Spectrum Licence Tax) Act 1997; Radcomms Taxes Collection Act; Datacasting Charges legislation; Other general Acts (LIA 2003; AIA 1901, etc.) Acts of Parliament Subordinate Instruments under the Act Administrative Arrangements Class licences - Radiocommunications Assignment and Licensing Instructions - Administrative band plan and channel plans - Written procedures for issuing licences - Administrative policy documents - Spectrum embargoes - Specification documents - Spectrum management principles - ITU Radio Regulations Declarations Directions Regulations - THE GOVERNMENT - (Spectrum licences) Conversion / Marketing plans Determinations s.145 Advisory Guidelines s.262 Designations/reallocation - THE MINISTER - (Apparatus licences) LC Determinations Technical standards Spectrum plan (ARSP) - THE ACMA - Frequency band plans (if any) – THE ACMA A simplified view of the legal framework governing ACMA’s spectrum management International Treaties
The Australian economy with and without mobile broadband ( )
Current impediments to spectrum regulation >Multiplicity of licence types, with overlapping or incomplete processes and rules o Inconsistent approaches to tenure, certainty of renewal and pricing o Interaction processes between the political system and the spectrum regulator o Managing coexistence of three licensing types o Lack of flexibility to license some particular persons, apparatus or equipment o Practical issues with the proliferation of, and over-reliance on, apparatus licence subtypes
Current impediments to spectrum regulation (continued) >Limitations on the ability to facilitate (or mandate) institutional spectrum manager rights >Limited systemic incentives for incumbent users to give up their spectrum to a potential higher value use >Rigidities in the particular way broadcasting spectrum is required to be managed >Changed compliance and enforcement environment