Possessive Plural Nouns Possessive nouns are used to show that someone owns something. NounPossessive PamPam’s cat catthe cat’s tail SamSam’s knee An.


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Presentation transcript:

Possessive Plural Nouns

Possessive nouns are used to show that someone owns something. NounPossessive PamPam’s cat catthe cat’s tail SamSam’s knee An apostrophe ( ’ ) used to show the ownership.

Rule To show the possessive of singular nouns add 's. Examples: Fluffy Fluffy ’s tail Sally Sally ’s recipe the man the man ’s hat

Rules 1.To show possession of singular nouns add ’s. 2.To show possession of plural nouns ending in s add an apostrophe (’).

Plural Possessive Nouns: runners own the shoes cows own the meal trees own the apples

Plural Possessive Nouns: Runners’ shoes Cows’ meal Trees’ apples

To show possession of plural nouns NOT ending in s add an apostrophe and s (’s). Rule Children own the foodTeeth own the fillings

To show possession of plural nouns NOT ending in s add an apostrophe and s (’s). Rule Children’s foodTeeth’s fillings

PLURAL POSSESSIVES If the plural ends in s just add an apostrophe. If the plural does not end in s add an apostrophe and an s. Singular Possessive Plural Possessive the boy jacket the boys jackets ’s’

PLURAL POSSESSIVES If the plural ends in s just add an apostrophe. If the plural does not end in s add an apostrophe and an s. Singular Possessive Plural Possessive My parent car My parents car ’s’

PLURAL POSSESSIVES If the plural ends in s just add an apostrophe. If the plural does not end in s add an apostrophe and an s. Singular Possessive Plural Possessive My boss hat My bosses hats ’s’

PLURAL POSSESSIVES If the plural ends in s just add an apostrophe. If the plural does not end in s add an apostrophe and an s. Singular Possessive Plural Possessive The woman dress The women dress ’s

PLURAL POSSESSIVES If the plural ends in s just add an apostrophe. If the plural does not end in s add an apostrophe and an s. Singular Possessive Plural Possessive The child toy The children toys ’s