Write and say more! Do this using TIDE. Topic Introduction Hook (interesting introduction) Titles/Authors Restate the Prompt Thesis/ Topic Statement What is a thesis statement? - A sentence in an essay, report, research paper, or speech that identifies the main idea and/or central purpose of the text.
Important Information Text Evidence (Prove your thesis) You should have two to three pieces of text evidence to support your thesis.
Detailed Explanation Why is this important? What does this mean? How does this support my thesis/ topic sentence?
Ending Conclusion Restate Topic Sentence (reverse order) Enduring Understanding
Links (transitions) Language (correct grammar)
Grandfather from “The Scholarship Jacket” will hold a longer lasting impression on the protagonist than John Wilson from “Zebra.” Grandfather’s character traits and effect on the plot make him an influential character. To begin with, the text states that Grandfather’s job as a farmer “was a time-consuming job; sometimes the small shoots were right next to each other.” This quote shows that Grandfather is a patient man who shows Martha the lesson that sometimes the best experiences in life require perseverance. Not only does Grandfather teach Martha the importance of patience, he also stands up for what he believes when he gently reminds Martha that “it’s not a scholarship jacket” if he has to pay for it. Because Grandfather will not give in to the request of Martha’s principal to pay for the jacket, Martha learns a valuable lesson about standing up for what is right. If Grandfather had not stood by his beliefs, the principal would not have changed his mind and told Martha, “Okay. We’ll make an exception in your case.” The school knows that asking Martha’s grandfather to pay for a scholarship jacket is wrong, and Grandfather’s resolve helps to point out to the principal what “scholarship” really means. All in all, Grandfather’s character traits and effect on the plot make him leave a lifelong impression on his granddaughter, Martha.