The Grades and Chat modules
This presentation covers two unrelated modules... … and Grades. Because these topics are short they are combined into one presentation. Chat...
Let’s look at the Grades module first. The red star here means that the teacher has posted new grades since the last time you checked your grades.
Each student sees only their own grades As you can see, this professor has included additional information pertaining to the entire class’s performance.
What you see in this module, and how often the grades are updated is entirely up to your teacher. In particular, your teacher may or may not include class summary information… or use the module at all!
Now that we’ve seen the Grades module, let’s take a look at Chat.
The Manhattan Virtual Classroom is primarily designed for “asynchronous” communication. This means the people exchanging messages don’t have to be logged in at the same time. Discussions can be carried on over a period of hours, days, or even weeks.
You can only “chat” with people who are logged in at the same time as you. Because of this, Chat sessions should be planned in advance. “I’ll see you in Chat on Tuesday evening at 7 PM.” The Chat module, in contrast, is designed for “synchronous” communication.
When you first enter the Chat module, you are provided with the transcripts of previous Chat sessions. This area will likely be empty at the start of your course.
This allows you to view the transcripts of chat sessions that you’ve missed. Conversations that take place within your classroom are recorded.
There are separate transcripts for each chat session that occurs. Click “Read” to view a transcript.
Who? When? What was said? These are the basic components of a chat transcript.
Click! Let’s go back.
Now let’s enter the Chat room! Click!
The chat software is a “Java” program. It has lots of features that you probably will not need to use. We’ll cover just the basics in this tutorial! The chat module opens in a separate window.
Whenever you are in chat, you are in a particular ‘channel’. Think of each channel as an individual private chatroom. When you first enter chat, you are placed in a “channel” that’s dedicated to your classroom. Only the teacher and students in your class can enter this channel or view the recorded transcripts afterwards.
Everything that’s said within this room is being recorded!
Let’s see who’s in the room with us... Click!
Prof. Narmontas is here! Two of his students have logged-in as well. As we can see, they have already begun a chat session.
To “chat” with your class simply type your message below, and press the ‘Enter’ key on your keyboard.
The message you type appears on the screen of everyone who is in the channel.
Professor Narmontas replied with this message...
Andrew types a long message and presses ‘Enter’. Even though the message is longer than the “Message” box can display, the entire message is delivered.
His message is sent to everyone in the channel.
… and so on. A few seconds later, Steve responds...
Be sure to click the “Logoff” button when you want to leave “Chat”. Click!
Finally, click the button to close the window.
We are back at the Transcripts screen. Click
We are back at the Main Menu.
That’s all you really NEED to know about Chat. Enter the Chat room. Type your messages and press Enter. Click “Logoff” when you’re done. Of course, some people are never satisfied with just knowing the basics. If you’re that kind of person, you can visit: for more information.
End of Grades and Chat Tutorial.