Miss Proffitt and Miss Griffiths
Teaching assistants Mrs Watkins- morning Miss Mosley- SEN Mrs Toogood- afternoon Mrs Bell- SEN
What do we do in Year 1?
Communication Books The children will not need their Communication Books, as they did in Reception (encouraging independence). Should you wish to discuss anything with us we will be available after school. Parent consultations will take place on Tues 14 th and Weds 15 th October. If your child is going home with someone else please send them in with a note in the morning to let us know.
PE days and Kit Outdoor PE is on a Monday and Wednesday. The children will need their kit on this day. Changing independently and being responsible for belongings. Their outdoor kit should reflect the outside weather conditions, i.e. if it is cold the children should have jumpers and tracksuit bottoms. Long hair must be tied back for PE days. If your child has their ears pierced please make sure that they do not wear earrings on their PE day or can take them out themselves. NAME LABELS!!
Homework Homework will be in the style of project work. Children are encouraged to read their reading books with an adult every night. Reading Records. From Term 2 the children will have spellings or letter sounds sent home to practise and learn. We encourage the children to use the Bailey’s Court Website to practise key skills and develop their learning at home through interactive games and activities.
Other key points Book changing day. Fruit and water. Parent helpers. Uniform and jewellery. Toys from home. Show and Tell