Working with Schools: How can we best use our time? Dr Pooky Knightsmith
PhD with eating disorders unit at IOP (prof Janet Treasure) focused on school’s role in ED support & management Focus on practical (real life!) strategies Constant consultation with CYP, their parents and the staff who work with them
I will help you understand:: What anorexia is Early warning signs to be aware of How to respond appropriately and support recovery Why people develop anorexia Before we start…
3 Priorities to consider Policies and procedures Up-skilling staff and students Supporting individuals 12 3
But First CAMHS? MoanGrumble Moan Sigh Grumble
Schools? MoanGrumble Moan Sigh Grumble
Improving the working relationship between CAMHS and schools may be the most impactful thing you can do… We’d lost sight of how to work together. Once we made a fresh start, we realised what a formidable team we could be.
Good Relationship Defined roles Clear boundaries Celebrate the positives Reflect and be ready to learn
Policies and procedures Up-skilling staff and students Supporting individuals 12 3
School policies are written by the senior leadership team and governors Each school writes their own Many schools don’t have clear ED policies and procedures because they don’t know where to start
Write a model policy and procedures that can be adapted and adopted by local schools and colleges
Work with a school Make it practical Clear referral paths Include local info Name relevant people Make it work
Policies and procedures Up-skilling staff and students Supporting individuals 12 3
All Staff Basic understanding of EDs Early warning signs How to support School policy & procedure
Pastoral Staff When and how to refer Working with CAMHs One to one support Realistic expectations
Working with Students General information myth busting Help seeking Healthy coping Supporting friends
Develop and deliver workshops for local schools and colleges and their students
Work together Survey need Include CYP voice Be realistic re timings Share online to increase reach Make it work
We wanted to create an environment where eating disorders weren’t taboo. Where students could confidently raise concerns about themselves or a friend and where staff knew how to respond appropriately if they did.
Policies and procedures Up-skilling staff and students Supporting individuals 12 3
Supporting individuals 3 Below threshold Outpatient Inpatient Return to school
Below threshold books websites forums books websites forums local services develop one to one skills
Out patient How can the school support between sessions? What information is helpful to share? What are the best methods of communication?
When a pupil goes into inpatient care they often just disappear. We want to know how to help. What to tell friends, whether to send messages or work? We feel lost and just need some guidance. In patient
Policies & procedures Staff training & support Phased return – at what pace? Return to School Supporting mealtimes Guidance re sport & PE
Out April 21 st Available for pre-order “It’s really good” (Pooky’s Mum)
I didn’t say thank you. I didn’t know how. I don’t think she knew that she maybe saved me. Pooky… please can you make sure that all the wonderful people you work with know how special they are? And Finally
Further Sources of Support Me! You’re welcome to call or any time you need support.
Need more support? For details of CWMT funded sessions visit Dr Pooky Knightsmith specialises in mental health and emotional well-being in the school setting. She can provide training sessions or workshops for school staff, parents or students on a variety of topics, including self-harm, anxiety, body image and eating disorders. For further information and free resources visit LinkedIn:
Thank you to CWMT! Charlie Waller Memorial Trust Provide materials and information about depression Deliver training and talks for young adults and young people and those who work with them Sponsor research and teaching about evidence based therapies at the Charlie Waller Institute at the University of Reading