Career Services Career Selection and Employment Search Preparation.


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Career Services Career Selection and Employment Search Preparation

“This is the first thing that I get to do without my parents,” explained a Reynoldsburg High School student. “Deciding which career I want to pursue.” Student Career Selection

What have we done to provide students the tools they need to make career choices? Ownership of the career conversation Impacting student debt K-12 System – Career Connections Applications The Question

Ohio Career Services Survey Responses from all universities and community colleges Two use OMJ as a standard part of their processes Student to counselor ratios in the thousands (NACE recommends 300 to 500) Pockets of success integrating with the academic delivery Access to career specific information is a struggle (time and availability) Mimic national numbers in student career/degree transitions (3 to 6) Time spent on career selection discussion is relatively non-existent Employment preparation activities focus mainly on last minute resume development Student initiated strategy versus a campus intrusive strategy Tracking student wage and placement data – time consuming and encompassing half or less of all graduates Few campuses require interaction with career services prior to graduation Landscape for Post-Secondary

OMJ Regional Events – January 7 th USO Recap and Planning Event ODE Career Pathway Maps OBOR Industry Career Pathway Map Buy-in Ohio Career Conversation OBOR Data Initiative Integration of career activities into curriculum delivery - teacher preparation – Rebecca Watts Individual campus visits to benchmark current status and best practices ODE and OBOR collaborating on a set of recommendations Current Activities

Start Pre-Health As early as grade 7 (based on readiness) Dental Assistant Median Salary: $33,690 Job Growth (10 yr): 20.5% Annual Openings: 416 Average Tuition (1 yr): $0 – $3,900/yr Dental Hygienist Median Salary: $65,510 Job Growth (10 yr): 26.3% Annual Openings: 345 Average Tuition (2 yrs): $3,900/yr Average Tuition (4 yrs): $9,600/yr Dentist Median Salary: $158,460 Job Growth (10 yr): 9.5% Annual Openings: 186 Average Tuition (4 yrs): $35,000/yr Workplace Visits Job Shadow Internship Work Supervised Experience --- Work Supervised Experience Internship --- Work Internship --- Work Certificate, Dental Assisting Doctoral Degree, Dentistry Associate or Bachelor’s Degree, Dental Hygiene Ohio In-demand Occupations Data reflects 2014 Ohio labor statistics and public institutions of higher education for For specific tuition costs, visit

Secondary Pathway: Allied Health and NursingPostsecondary Program: Dental Hygiene An Example of Courses with Secondary and Postsecondary Credits Secondary 7878 English IAlgebra I Physical Science Social StudiesFine Arts 9 10 English IIGeometryBiologyWorld History Health (.5) PE (.5) World Languages 11English IIIAlgebra IIChemistryU.S. History Principles of Allied Health Dental Technology World Languages 12English IV Trigonometry or Calculus Anatomy & Physiology U.S. Government Nutrition and Wellness Oral Diagnosis & Treatment Planning Postsecondary Year 1 1st Semester College Seminar Human Patho- physiology Intro to Dental Hygiene Dental Hygiene Pre-Clinic Dental Anatomy & Physiology Periodontology I Preventive Concepts Techniques I Year 1 2nd Semester English Intro to Microbiology Techniques IIClinic IOral Pathology Periodontology II Community Health Concepts Dental Radiography Year 2 1st Semester Interpersonal Communication Community Health Techniques IIIClinic IISociologyPharmacology Dental Materials Pain Management Year 2 2nd Semester Oral Communication College Algebra Techniques IVClinic III Psychology Dental Hygiene Case & Concepts Humanities Elective High School CTE Program Courses High School Courses for Postsecondary Credit (Including Apprenticeship Hours) and the Corresponding Postsecondary Courses Required Courses Recommended Electives 10/2014 Visit for reference information. Course titles and sequences will vary between schools.

Imbedding career service activities as a campus strategic goal Requiring student interaction (student initiated to campus intrusive) Resources Models using community partners Alumni Academic Delivery New ways to look at tying careers to education offerings Career Services as an Ohio Strategic Advantage

Preparing Ohio Educators College and Career Learning and Advising

Contextualized Learning All educators are prepared to contextualize learning so students understand the relevance and importance of skills and knowledge to careers and long-term success. Resource Knowledge and Expertise Middle Childhood, Adolescent to Young Adult, and Multi-Age licensure preparation programs include skills in accessing information resources on current careers in Ohio. Professional Learning Community Ohio Educator Preparation Programs provide ongoing professional development opportunities for teachers, school counselors, principals, and superintendents related to career advising for PK-12 learners. Educator Preparation: All Educators

School counselors address academic, career, and personal/social realm for children including: Goal setting/motivation Decision making skills/critical thinking Study skills Career education Positive school climate and Behavior/Anti Bullying Character Education Anti-drug Anger management Resilience Coping skills Grit/perseverance Educator Preparation: School Counselors

School Counselors All students have access to the services of the school counselor. Counselor time is focused on providing direct and indirect services to students. Counselors deliver a comprehensive curriculum, individualized planning, and responsive services. Building and District Leaders Principals and Superintendents prioritize the advising role of the school counselor. Valuing Counseling and Advising Skills Local Professional Development Councils (LPDCs) include career advising skills in their approved professional development opportunities. Educators in Action: Sustaining Effective Practices