Quality Physical Education: Past Practice & Future Directions (USA) Darla M. Castelli, PhD University of Texas at Austin.


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Presentation transcript:

Quality Physical Education: Past Practice & Future Directions (USA) Darla M. Castelli, PhD University of Texas at Austin

Overview Part 1: How was physical training during physical education used to refine skill- and health-related fitness? Part 2: What does quality physical education look like? Has this changed over time? Part 3: What are CSPAP, PYFP, and physical literacy and how might these initiative shape the future of physical education?

Glossary of Terms 1. Physical activity: Gross motor movements, requiring energy expenditure beyond rest 2. Physical education: Planned, progressive learning experiences that are part of a curriculum and delivered by highly qualified physical education teachers 3. Physical fitness: A set of attributes that are either skill- or health-related 4. Physical literacy: An outcome of physical education; The embodiment of a physically active life by maximizing potential 5. Sport/athletics: Structured competition that takes place beyond the school curriculum

History of Physical Education German gymnastics Swedish exercise for health Physical training 1800’s physical education include across America The Round Hill School, a private school established in 1823 in Northampton, Massachusetts

Physical Fitness "The Soft American" in Sports Illustrated Council on Physical Fitness President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports On July 19, 1961, John F. Kennedy urges schools to adopt youth fitness guidelines On July 19, 1961, John F. Kennedy urges schools to adopt youth fitness guidelines 15 mins of MVPA, assessment

Movement Education Rudolf von Laban ( ) is the pioneer Movement concepts applied across three domains Physical Cognitive Affective “Physical education is of the physical through the physical” Physical education lessons were presented by using questions How many different ways can you take weight on you hands?

Standards-Based Physical Education A Nation at Risk (1983) Physical Education’s Role in Public Health (Sallis & McKenzie, 1991) Critical Crossroads (1992) NASPE Physical Education Content Standards (1995 & 2004 & currently under revision)

Childhood Obesity In the last 30 years… Obesity has doubled in children (7% - 18%) Quadrupled in adolescents (5%-21%) More than 1/3 of youth are overweight or obese

Obesity is a global issue

Global Cost of Obesity

Physical Activity Youth aged 6–17 years should participate in at least 60 minutes of physical activity daily. Only 27% of high school students get 60 –mins MVPA Only 6% of U.S. schools offer daily physical education

Emerging Initiatives Since 2005  Idea of the Director’s of Physical Activity  PE Teachers as Physical Activity Leaders (PALs; Castelli & Beighle, 2007)  Preparing PALs through teacher education (Beighle, Castelli et al., 2009)  Fuel Up Play 60  CSPAP position statement (NASPE, 2008)  Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans (USDHHS, 2008)  Youth PA: The role of schools (CDC, 2009)  First Lady Michelle Obama’s Let’s Move! (2010)  Let’s Move in School (NASPE, 2011); Let’s Move! Active Schools

Part 2: Quality Physical Education & Appropriate Practices

Quality Physical Education Opportunities to learn Meaningful content Appropriate instruction Assessment To develop skills, knowledge, and dispositions by providing…  Developmentally appropriate  Elementary: 150-mins; Secondary: 225-mins  Maximized, safe participation  Varied and enjoyable  Highly qualified physical education teacher  Motor skills, fitness, & knowledge

Quality Physical Education Comprehensive effort to improve skills, knowledge and dispositions Educate students to lead a physically active lifestyle Actualize its potential benefit within each child Integrate technology whenever possible Create a student & parent demand for QPE

Physical Education Examples Appropriate Practices : Students should learn to play a variety of individual and team, physical and sport-oriented activities Refine motor skills Build self-efficacy Promote PA to other students, family members, or teachers who do not have physical education Set PA goals and monitor progress Identify where students can be active in the community Assess and track physical activity, physical fitness, & healthy eating

Part 3: Future Directions Comprehensive School Physical Activity Programs (CSPAP) Presidential Youth Fitness Program (PYFP) Physical Literacy as an outcome of QPE

CSPAP Physical Activity Opportunity Variables’ Mean by Group Note: * = Significant difference between Pre/Post; Opp. = Opportunities; D.S. = During School; B/A = Before and After School; Fam/Comm = Family and Community Engagement

Evidence Supporting Teacher Training & CSPAPs Relevant and meaningful professional development (PD) for teachers PD increases self-efficacy to provide PA for children and adults (Centeio et al., 2013) After PD teacher provide significantly more PA opportunities across the school day (Carson et al., in press) Teachers see it as their responsibility to implement CSPAP (Centeio, Erwin, & Castelli, in press) Paucity of research examining the effects of CSPAP implementation on student PA (Carson et al., 2014) JTPE special feature on CSPAP (October 2014)

Schools and Physical Activity Promotion Physical Activity Leaders must minimize barriers, advocate for their needs, and consider the context Efforts must assist schools with meeting their objectives Cost effective User friendly Sustainable Embedded in school culture Programs must be multifaceted

Presidential Youth Fitness Program: Process Evaluation – Year 1 U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Darla M. Castelli, Jessica Duncan Cance, Seraphine Pitt Barnes, Jane Wargo, & Jeanne Barcelona

Presidential Youth Fitness Program Presidential Youth Fitness Program adopted the FITNESSGRAM® (April 2012) Three core areas:  Professional development  Assessment  Recognition

Participants: Year 1 Professional Development  Funding program (n=500 schools)  From 48 of 50 states, 454 schools from 242 school districts  82% of the schools already conducted fitness assessment Virtual Training Package n = 353 In-Person Training n = 101 N = 454

Data Sources Application PYFP Index Teacher Knowledge Checks Teacher Evaluations of Program Teacher Interviews FITNESSGRAM Assessments Site Visits LMAS Common Measures Survey Annual Program Evaluation Survey

Facilitators & Barriers Provision of resources Support administration Student desire to receive awards and recognition Program funding Technology Administration Communication Facilitators Barriers *CDC Webinar, September 29th

Physical Literacy An individual lives a physically active life as an outcome of physical education Standards-based, but considers the individual Maximizes potential of each student Develops mastery

Physical Literacy

Physical Literacy & CSPAP Whole Child, ASCD Rethinking physical activity in and around the schools Physical activity across the curriculum Live an active life

In sum… History repeats its self and physical education is no different Children and adolescents need quality physical education to be taught by highly qualified people PYFP provides valuable professional development for teachers and the potential for national & global tracking of health-related fitness CSPAP involves other teachers, community members, and families in getting youth active Physical literacy is the outcome that we all desire