Buckinghamshire County Council
Aims 1.Support Bucks residents to increase their physical activity levels 2.Increase the number of Bucks residents participating >150 minutes of moderate intensity physical activity each week (active) 3.Reduce the number of Bucks residents undertaking <30 minutes moderate intensity physical activity each week (inactive)
Buckinghamshire County Council How? Utilising the role of members and other community leaders Engaging communities by exploring what physical activity communities want to engage with Understanding the different assets in each community and their potential to support increased physical activity Providing evidence-based and best practice physical activity interventions which deliver the Bucks Physical Activity Strategy
Buckinghamshire County Council How? Strong partnership working Build on great work that has already been done Support local communities designing and advocating physical activity Creating a sustainable approach
Buckinghamshire County Council What will it look like? TimescaleArea May 15 – Sept 15 Community Engagement Community Development Understanding Assets Developing Recommendations Sept 15 – Sept 17 Physical Activity Provision Community Development
Buckinghamshire County Council Engaging Communities In each of the 19 local areas Exploring what physical activity communities want to engage with Understanding the motivations, barriers and opportunities to being active Engaging the whole community, with a particular focus on inactive/low active residents
Buckinghamshire County Council Community Champions Enabling ongoing community development throughout the project and beyond Recruited from local communities Voice of local residents Key to sustainability
Buckinghamshire County Council Community Champions Bespoke training and ongoing support Participate at a level each person is comfortable with Advocates Rewarded At least 2 community champions in each local area
Buckinghamshire County Council Understanding Assets Assets of Individuals Assets of Associations Assets of Organisations Physical Assets Economic Assets Cultural Assets
Buckinghamshire County Council How? Evidence based Appreciative Enquiry approach Local conversations –Locations with naturally high footfall –Existing meetings and networks Community events Surveys Community app – recording conversations in real time
Buckinghamshire County Council What’s happening locally? Anyone from any area can get involved at any time Targeted events in each of the 19 local areas Phased approach Flexible based on local events Start dates for targeted activity in Active Bucks booklet Visit the Active Bucks website for the latest information
Buckinghamshire County Council Which areas will be targeted first? From 1 st May Beaconsfield Buckingham Chesham & Chiltern Villages From 27 th May Greater Aylesbury High Wycombe Waddesdon
Buckinghamshire County Council Recommendations Separate recommendations developed for each of the 19 local areas Based on: –Community engagement –Local population data –Local assets –Ways we know work to get people more active Including a menu of evidence based/best practice physical activity options to choose from Sustainability key
Buckinghamshire County Council Physical Activity Provision Based on recommendations and menu of options Activities that are local, accessible, sustainable Funded at a local level Funded at a county wide level New or enhanced activity, no substitution Community development will continue
Buckinghamshire County Council Local Each Local Area Forum (LAF) will receive a funding allocation, based on population Over 2 years Recommendations and menu of options presented to each Local Area Forum for local decision Encourage collaboration between LAFs Opportunity for LAFs to bid for an additional competitive funding pot
Buckinghamshire County Council Countywide Centrally commissioned Where recommendations show a number of local areas would benefit from the same physical activity intervention Economies of scale Consistent offer across the county Outcomes clearly measurable
Buckinghamshire County Council What could physical activity opportunities look like?
Buckinghamshire County Council Time Credits To thank people for contributing their time to support the project –Community engagement and understanding assets –Community champions and advocates Developing physical activity opportunities for spending time credits
Buckinghamshire County Council Delivering Differently Department of Communities and Local Government Delivering Differently Fund Supporting 24 local authorities to explore innovative models for delivery of services at neighbourhood level 2015/16 Support from advisory panel Peer to peer learning opportunities Cost Benefit Analysis
Buckinghamshire County Council Active Bucks Delivering Differently Using Active Bucks as a platform Explore how we can enhance community engagement and sustainability in areas of greatest health need Delivered in Aylesbury & Wycombe as part of Active Bucks Use learning to inform year 2 of the Active Bucks project
Buckinghamshire County Council Social marketing approach –Insight into motivators –Co produce with local residents –Co deliver with local residents –Using community assets and resources identified Active Bucks Delivering Differently
Buckinghamshire County Council Creating a challenge to engage communities in physical activity –Using insight –Co design with local residents Using time credits differently to support community engagement Enhanced skills development and accreditation of community champions and advocates Active Bucks Delivering Differently
Buckinghamshire County Council Independent Evaluation Evaluating community development and physical activity provision Physical activity participation levels as well as wider determinants Learning from year 1 will inform year 2 development
Buckinghamshire County Council Who do we want to engage? Everyone Those more likely to be more inactive –Older/vulnerable adults –Women and girls –Disabled people/groups –Black and minority ethnic groups –Young people
Buckinghamshire County Council How can you help? Engage local organisations, groups or influential individuals to have their say Promote the project to your local networks and residents Tell us about any local events/meetings/groups the Active Bucks team could attend Come to an engagement event Organise an engagement event
Buckinghamshire County Council What are the local assets? Let us know if any work to identify assets has already been done that can be built on Tell us what’s already happening to get people more active Identify individuals that might want to be community champions in their local area How can you help?
Buckinghamshire County Council To support you to promote Active Bucks Guide to getting more people, more active, more often Flyer Website Online toolkit at to download resources
Buckinghamshire County Council #activebucks