Creating the 21st Century... Jessica Hamlin Mary Mattingly
How are artists engaging with personal, social, political, and global issues today? Ai Weiwei, Remembering, Backpacks and metal structure. Klaus der Kunst, Munich, Germany
How might artists inspire new paradigms for teaching and learning? Tania BRUGHERA, Museum of Arte Util, 2014, Van Abbemuseum, Eindhoven, Netherlands
What is (contemporary) art?
Claude Monet, Haystacks (sunset), Oil on canvas. Jessica Stockholder, [no title], Wicker chair, plastic tub, light fixture with bulb, synthetic polymer, oil paint, plastic, fabric, concrete, resin, wood, wheels, acrylic yarn, glass, cookies in resin, 71-1/2 x 63 x 50 inches.
Francisco Goya, The Third of May, 1808, 1814Kerry James Marshall, Watts, 1963, 1995
Leonardo DaVinci, Vitruvian Man, 1492 Cao Fei, RMB City 7, 2007
Gong Xian, Ink Landscape with poem, 1688 Jenny Holzer, Truisms, Spectacolor electronic sign. Times Square, New York
Duchamp, Fountain, Porcelain. Tania Brughera, Tatlin’s Whisper #5, Two uniformed mounted policemen, crowd control police technique, two horses (one white, one brown), audience.
What do artists do today? What expertise do they have?
Mel Chin, KNOWMAD, 1999, Collaboration with KNOWMAD Confederacy
Yinka Shonibare, Scramble for Africa, 2003
ALLORA and CALZADILLA, Chalk (Lima),
Allora and Calzadilla, Paradox:
An My Le 29 Palms (4:02)
Dor Gabriel Orozco Spanish Lessons (4:45):
How might educators think and work like artists across subject areas and disciplines?
Pursue questions and follow curiosities: Artists as investigators Alfredo Jaar, The Silence of Nduwayezu, detail, 1997
Read, talk, and research: Artists as researchers Mark Dion, The Great Munich Bug Hunt, 1993
Focus on process: Artists as makers Oliver Herring, "Exit–Videosketch #6," 1999
3. Inspire curiosity Experiment and play: Artists as inventors Jennifer Allora & Guillermo Calzadilla, Under Discussion, video still, 2005
3. Inspire curiosity Foster creative spaces: Artists as place makers Thomas Hirschhorn, Gramsci Monument, 2013
Go beyond disciplinary boundaries: Artists as explorers Pierre Huyghe, A Journey That Wasn’t, 2005
Carrie Mae Weems, From Here I Saw What Happened and I Cried, 1995 Make connections to the past: Artists as critical historians and storytellers
Move from the personal to the social, political, and global: Artists as engaged citizens An My Le, 29 Palms: Security and Stabilization Operations, Graffiti,
Krzysztof Wodizcko, The Bunker Hill Monument, Boston, 1998 Work with others: Artists as collaborators and facilitators
Ai Weiwei, Production still from the "Art in the Twenty-First Century" Season 6 episode, "Change," 2012 Engage in critical discourse and productive criticism: Artists as change agents
Embrace ambiguity, uncertainty, and failure: Artists as learners Tim Hawkinson, "Emotor," detail, 2000
With a partner… Reflect on your own practices as an educator: ● Which strategies are most relevant to your practice? ● Which do you currently utilize? Which are less used? Why? ● Which strategies would you like to utilize in the future? Why?