Impact of GhanaVeg on our mission: “Enlarge crop base and income for Ghanaian farmers through growing of vegetables”
East West Seeds Tikola Ltd Private entities/NGO’s/farmer groups Public Private Partnership farmers Other sup- pliers like mulch etc.
Tikola Ltd. Commercial run company Mission: promote sustainable vegetable growing in Ghana Ghanaian/Dutch shareholding Shareholders combined > 50 yrs experience in Ghanaian market Ample experience in crop growing Ample experience in general management in the agri-business Strong net work among Ghanaian decision makers Supported by mayor hybrid seed producer East West Seed Capturing efforts made by others like GhanaVeg, IFDC, Dutch embassy, etc
East West Seeds Extensive knowledge of African markets and growing conditions Varieties adapted to Ghanaian tropical environment Own research institute on African continent/Tanzania Free sample material Extension assistance
Market Total area vegetable growing: ?..mainly small scale Huge potential for local market Import substitution of e.g. onions Initial but growing export potential Bottle necks: Good seeds, appropriate growing techniques and market access
Strategy “seeing is believing” Run Tikola with minimal overhead; keep seeds as cheap as possible Form Public Private Partnerships Establish demonstration/test fields Support with extensive services and free sample seeds Demonstrate and promote advantage of hybrid seeds Demonstrate and promote advantage of better growing techniques Use existing distribution networks (e.g. Dizengoff)
Marketing & promotion Test & demo fields: ‘seeing is believing’ Mouth-to-mouth Stands on agric. exhibitions e.g. FAGRO, farmers days, Copal day News paper/magazine adverts Leaflets at Cocobod/MOFA/private firms/IFDC/dealers Radio spots
Test fields Several IFDC/Tikola/East West Seeds fields established Monitored by part-time EWS agronomist Feedback on crop results very impressive Installation of sub-dealers close to test fields (>25) High demand from dealers/farmers communities for up-scaling
Distribution channels Network of IFDC certified distributors Direct sales to commercial farmers Direct sales to private entities active in farmers communities Direct sales to organized cocoa farmers
Floating of company/MOU seed companyJuly 2010 Registration/approvals Min. of AgricFeb 2011 Selection of initial varietiesMar 2011 First import of sample seedsJun 2011 Initiation of research & pilot fields in coop with IFDCJan 2012 Recruitment full time sales officerJan 2012 Setting up 20 agro-dealersMay 2012 First commercial import shipmentFeb 2013 Increase agro-dealers to 25Aug 2013 Needed now to take-off, with help of GhanaVeg grant: Establish office in AccraJan 2015 Recruitment agronomistJan 2015 Increase agro-dealers to 50Jul 2015 Initiate another 5 testfieldsMarch 2015 Reach > farmers Dec 2016 Realised/Planning
Pictures EWS extension officer at work
Pictures Press attention
Pictures Sweet corn near Akasumbo
Pictures Instruction on usage of plastic mulch
Pictures EWS extension officer in the classroom
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