CE 318: Transport Process 2 (Heat and Mass Transfer) Lecture 18: Convective Mass Transfer (Chapter 28) NSC 210 4/16/2015
2 Overview of Mass Transfer Steady State Molecular Diffusion Fick’s Law for Molecular Diffusion D A : gas, liquid, solid, biological materials calculation: different geometries and flow conditions Convective Mass-Transfer Coefficient Unsteady State Diffusion Different parameters for driving force Multi-components
3 Mass Convective Transfer: Drying the Paint
4 Mass Convective Transfer: Dryer
5 Mass Convective Transfer: Membrane Coater
Film Concept: Convective Mass Transfer 6
Fundamental view of heat convection Dimensional analysis Exact analysis of the boundary layer Approximate integral analysis of the boundary layer Analogy between momentum and heat transfer Empirical equations (next lecture) 7 Outline: h Values ?
8 Heat Convective Transfer
Combining of Momentum and Heat Transfer 10 (Chapter 12)
Blasius’s Solution for Heat Transfer 11
Semi-Empirical Method to Estimate h 12 Prandtl Number Nusselt Number
13 Outline: h Values ?
14 Outline: h Values ?
Fundamental view of heat convection Dimensional analysis Exact analysis of the boundary layer Approximate boundary layer analysis Analogy between momentum, energy and mass transfer Empirical equations (in the future lecture) 15 Outline: k c Values ?
16 Momentum, Heat and Mass Transfer
17 Mass Convective Transfer
18 Mass Convective Transfer
Combining Momentum and Mass Transfer
Blasius’s Solution 20 Blasius’s solution:
Blasius’s Solution (See Chapter 12) 21
Blasius’s Solution for Mass Transfer 22
Blasius’s Solution for Mass Transfer 23 When Sc=1
Blasius’s Solution for Mass Transfer 24 Average mass convective coefficient
Semi-Empirical Method to Estimate k c 25 Schmidt Number Sherwood Number
Fundamental view of heat convection Dimensional analysis Exact analysis of the boundary layer Approximate boundary layer analysis Analogy between momentum, energy and mass transfer Empirical equations (in the future lecture) 26 Outline: k c Values ?
27 Outline: h Values ? Sc = Pr = 1
28 Outline: h Values ?
29 k c Values ?
Fundamental view of heat convection Dimensional analysis Exact analysis of the boundary layer Approximate integral analysis of the boundary layer Analogy between momentum and heat transfer Empirical equations (next lecture) 30 Outline: h Values ?
Fundamental view of heat convection Dimensional analysis Exact analysis of the boundary layer Approximate boundary layer analysis Analogy between momentum, energy and mass transfer Empirical equations (in the future lecture) 31 Outline: k c Values ?