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Presentation transcript:


TWO QUESTIONS: 1)Can we use CMB observations to give us a new constraint on an important number concerning BH physics? 2)Is ∧ CDM untested but testable on any scale?

1) AN APPARENT DIGRESSION: WHAT IS THE QSO LUMINOSITY FUNCTION? 1)Most BHs in galaxies are very faint ~ in the natural, Eddington units. 2)So luminosity weighted distribtution is most relevant. What is it? What is the characteristic luminosity of AGN? 3)Adding it up from the night sky and dividing by the mass density in BHs, what do we find for the “efficiency” of emitting EM radiation (Paczinski & Soltan, 1982)


THUS A SAMPLE OF BRIGHT OBJECTS GIVES THE ANSWER: Electromagnetic emission: ΔE/(M BH c 2 ) ~ 0.15 (Soltan, Tremaine & Yu etc) What are our theoretical expectations from simulations of AGN feedback with that efficiency assumed?


BHS IN CLUSTERS OF GALAXIES USE SURROUNDING GAS AS A CALORIMETER: OBTAIN THE MECHANICAL FEEDBACK! 1)BH mass is stellar mass. 2)Use SZ for heat input to the gas 3)Equivalent to the Soltan argument Mechanical emission: ΔE/(M BH c 2 ) ~ ??? (much less than often assumed but consistent w observed BAL output)

2) IS ∧ CDM UNTESTED BUT TESTABLE ON ANY SCALE? 1)Bald assertion: “It passes all long- wavelenth tests”. 2)On small scales of λ <~ 1 kpc there are many issues: a)Cusps in dwarf galaxy DM? b)Small scale structure in DM halos? c)Dynamical Friction in dwarf spheroidals? d)Planar galaxy groups? e)Early galaxy formation? f)Etc, etc. NO EVIDENCE FOR SMALL SCALE DM FLUCTUATIONS