Graduation Meeting Please hold all questions until the end. Most will be answered throughout the presentation.
Graduation 2015 Hershey Giant Center Thursday, June 18, :00 PM
Seating and Ceremony Student Line Up Area Students Entrance Guests Entrance Guest Seating Front Door
Stage and Students Seat
Dress Code Cap, gown and tassel No jeans! Girls can wear dresses or dress pants. Guys can wear Docker type pants or dress pants. Shoes – You will be walking on steps. Please make sure you are able to walk up and down steps in your shoes. Make sure patterns or colors in clothes do not show through gown.
When to arrive Doors will open at 2:00 PM – no earlier!!! There will be security guards at the door and will not let anyone in earlier Students will check in with their guidance counselors upon arrival. Honor cords/National Honor Stoles will given at this time. Student Line up will begin at 2:30 PM and continue to 3:45 PM. Ceremony will start promptly at 4:00!! There are plenty of facilities to get ready at the center. There will be a photographer there to take pictures prior to the ceremony. Payment and packages will be given on a website. Please do this early!! Concession stands will be open for food purchase prior to the ceremony.
Marching In
Ready to start
Ceremony Prelude Slide Show: Enjoy this slide show of our graduating seniors! Procession 4:00 p.m. “Pomp and Circumstance” Pledge of Allegiance Pledge of Allegiance. “Star Spangled Banner” Welcome
Ceremony Cont. Student Speeches Agoratorian Salutatorian Valedictorian Karol Canfield Award/Scholarship Shining Star Award/Scholarship Honors Graduates Recognition National Honor Society Recognition Commencement Addresses DIPLOMAS AWARDED!! Closing Recessional – Graduates will March out
Diplomas Awarded – 2 sides
After the ceremony Once diplomas(covers) have been handed out, you will remain in your seats for the recessional. You will receive your diploma cover when you walk in the ceremony. Diplomas will be mailed in late June. After the recessional, you will return back to the student line up area Please make arrangements or pick a spot to meet up with Family. It is very crowded after the ceremony and predetermine spot works well.
Caps and Gowns Please make sure you take out cap and gown out of package at least a couple days before ceremony!! You can steam in the shower or iron on low heat. Upon arrival, make sure you have your cap, gown and tassel on right side. Girls, please make sure you try cap with hairstyle. You can use bobby pins to hold in place. Many have asked about decorations on caps. You may as long as you use proper language.
You may decorate your cap, but make sure it is appropriate.
Did you know we had a graduation website?
Cap & Gown Information Girls wear white Boys wear blue Must order by June 5 for regular shipping!!! Can order later, but will be charged extra shipping.
Buses We will have buses available from the Pittsburgh Area and the Philadelphia Area – Pittsburgh Bus will leave from Monroeville Lowes at 10:30AM – The 3 Philadelphia buses will leave all locations at 12:00PM Franklin Mills Mall at Toys"R"Us, 201 Franklin Mills Circle, Phila, PA Amtrak, 2900 Market St, Phila, PA st Pick up Guests at Target, 4000 Monument Rd, Phila, PA19131 at 12:00pm. 2nd Pick up Guests at the The Angora Learning Center, 3300 Henry Ave, Phila, PA Tickets will go on sale Tuesday, May 26 at 12:00 on the graduation website. Tickets are first come, first serve. Tickets will be $5.00 each roundtrip
Video sales can be done prior to the ceremony and purchased on site. Ordering information can be found on the graduation page.
Flowers Commencement Flowers & Gifts: Flowers, graduation teddy bears, and T-shirts featuring all the graduates names, will be available for purchase at graduation. To pre-order your gift, reserving your graduates T-shirt size or favorite flower color.
Class Rings & Senior products graduation-products.html
Slide Show Slide templates were kmailed to you. You can add your pictures and mail back following the directions. These will be part of the slide show at the beginning of the ceremony. Due by June 5!!
Frequent Questions There are NO tickets to the ceremony. You will need to RSVP!! Please only do this 1 time. Only need to give number of people attending with you, but you will not be receiving any tickets. You may bring as many guests as you like. We have the ability to seat many people in the Hershey Giant Center. Diplomas will not be given out at the ceremony. They will be mailed to you in late June. You must meet all of the graduation requirements in June 2015, if going to Summer School you can still walk, to be able to walk in the ceremony. If you are uncertain if you going to, please contact your Guidance Counselor. We DO NOT have graduation practice. The Giant Center is handicap accessible and has seating available. There are over 10,000 parking spaces at the Giant center. No worries about finding a spot. We do not offer formal senior pictures, but we will have a photographer on hand at the site to take a picture with your cap and gown.