Human Impact Vocabulary Eighth Grade
acid rain rain containing acids produced by water chemically combined with certain gases
biodegradable material that breaks down easily
conservation wise use of natural resources
desalination process of getting fresh water from salt water
litter trash thrown into the environment
natural resource material from earth that is used by living things
pollutant harmful substance in the environment
pollution anything that harms the environment
recycling using a material over again
smog mixture of smoke, fog, and chemicals
wildlife the plants and animals that live in an area
fertilizer a substance that provides nutrients to help crops grow better
fossil fuel coal, oil, or natural gas that forms over millions of years from the remains of ancient organisms
global warming the worldwide increase in average temperature
greenhouse effect the trapping of heat by certain gases in the atmosphere
land reclamation the process of restoring an area of land
nonrenewable resource resources that are used much faster than they are replaced
ozone a form of oxygen with three oxygen atoms, helps block UV radiation in the stratosphere, is dangerous near plants and animals
pesticide a chemical that kills insects and other crop destroying organisms
renewable resources resources that are replaced as quickly as they are used
deforestation destruction of forests
ecological footprint A way of measuring how much of an impact a person or community has on the earth