Airflows and the spread of airborne pathogens in the ICU Dr Collette W Airflows and the spread of airborne pathogens in the ICU Dr Collette W. Haig
Introduction Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) – an overview. University Hospital Crosshouse. The ICU. Airflow patterns revealed. Spread of airborne pathogens. Conclusions.
CFD – an overview CFD – enables solutions to be found to complex fluid mechanics problems using numerical methods. Capable of modelling air flows and their interaction with surfaces. Capable of modelling the transportation of particles and the effect of heat sources on air flow patterns.
The ICU at UHC
Airflow patterns
Airflow patterns
Airflow patterns
Airflow patterns
Airflow patterns
Airflow patterns
Pathogen spread – 4μm
Pathogen spread – 4μm
Pathogen spread – 4μm
Pathogen spread – 4μm
Pathogen spread – 4μm
Pathogen spread – 4μm
Pathogen spread – 4μm
Pathogen spread – 4μm
Conclusion CFD model of ICU at University Hospital Crosshouse. Visualisation of airflow patterns and spread of respirable pathogens. Even in this simple study great complexity is revealed. Use of CFD to complement infection prevention studies.