Why study photosynthesis?. Environment Source of earth’s oxygen Uses carbon dioxide to prevent greenhouse gases.


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Presentation transcript:

Why study photosynthesis?

Environment Source of earth’s oxygen Uses carbon dioxide to prevent greenhouse gases

Agriculture Food Sugar cane most efficient plant

Energy Production Ethanol and fuels

Electronics Solar power Light-based computer chips

Medicine/Health Care Natural sunscreens Cures for disease Skin care

Fiber/Materials Clothes Construction Paper, wood

What is Photosynthesis (Sunlight and chlorophyll) C0 2 + H  C 6 H Carbon dioxide + water makes glucose + oxygen

Where does it take place? Chloroplasts in leaves

Assignment Fold a piece of paper into thirds Draw and color a LEAF (See Figure 23-18, pg. 596). Label the veins. Draw and color the LEAF CROSS SECTION on pg Label the spongy mesophyll, guard cells, cuticle, upper epidermis, palisade mesophyll, xylem, phloem, vein, lower epidermis, stoma. Draw and color the CHLOROPLAST on pg Label the stroma, granum, thylakoids. It should look like this: LeafCross- section chloroplast

Leaf cross-section “ Pathway of Photosynthesis” C0 2 + H  C 6 H

Cuticle-waterproof, waxy coating; protects leaf from water loss cuticle

Epidermis- cube shaped cells; outermost layer; upper and lower LIGHT ENTERS HERE Upper epidermis Lower epidermis

Mesophyll includes: Palisade layer- tall columnar shaped cells: CONTAIN CHLOROPLASTS Palisade layer

Mesophyll includes: Spongy layer – cells arranged with air spaces – OXYGEN AND C02 ENTER AND LEAVE HERE Spongy Mesophyll

Vascular bundle-vein Xylem-WATER moves UP to leaves FROM ROOT Xylem

Vascular bundle Phloem-FOOD moves DOWN to ROOTS Phloem

Stomata- opening to allow water and GAS exchange stomata

Guard Cells-regulates opening of stomata according to water pressure Guard cells