Technical Working Group 1: Machining and Finishing February 4, 2014 Alex Kitt Applications Engineer
Buffalo Manufacturing Works 2
Dedicated to making Western New York a nationally- recognized hub of advanced manufacturing innovation
Facility Update
Technical Working Groups 5
Vision: Highly interactive Informal Creative Regularly meeting Of industry & academic experts who: Share best practices Brainstorm ideas Realize value from one another's input
Machining & Finishing Application Testing Evaluating Emerging innovations in fabrication technologies for: Materials removal Cutting Finishing February 4
Additive Manufacturing Development Proof-testing Application Next-generation additive manufacturing processes for: Ceramics Metals Polymers Composites Additive/Subtractive February 11
Flexible Manufacturing Simulating Developing Testing Agile automation and controls solutions for: Increased quality Increased processing speed Reduced manufacturing cost February 18
Materials & Testing Applications Testing Manufacturing Modeling Expertise focused in the areas of: non-metallic composite materials February 25
Technical Working Groups Schedule 2/11/2015: 3D Printing 2/18/2015: Flexible Manufacturing 2/25/2015: Materials and Testing All at 8:00 AM Contact: Melanie Nutini 11
Emerging Trends in Machining 12
Cryogenic Machining
Robotic Machining
The Hybridization Web
Electrochemical Magnetic Abrasive Electrochemical Polishing: Passivation layer Magnetic Abrasive: Very low MRR Attractive Combination K.B. Judal and Vinod Yadava. Int J Manufacturing Technology and Management 24, 142 (2013).
Technical Working Groups Vision: Highly interactive Informal Creative Regularly meeting Of industry & academic experts who: Share best practices Brainstorm ideas Realize value from one another's input
Thank you THANK YOU 20