RTI, MUMBAI / DAY 1 / Slide International Environmental Accords Accords are signed to comply with environmental protection Laws world wide Issues discussed in summits and accords reached to address the issues many accords are pertaining to environmental subjects Lot of ratification takes -place before the accords are reached
RTI, MUMBAI / DAY 1 / Slide Major 9 Accords There are major 9 accords pertaining to the environmental issues. They are signed by various countries which contribute the provisions of the accords They are signed at various summits They are not mandatory They have to be ratified by the individual countries for legislation in that country
RTI, MUMBAI / DAY 1 / Slide Accord 1 Convention on Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their disposal(Basel Convention 1989) Objective: To control and reduce trans boundary movements of wastes subject to the Convention to a minimum consistent with their environmentally sound management and to minimise the generation of hazardous wastes.
RTI, MUMBAI / DAY 1 / Slide Accord 2 Convention on the Prevention of Marine pollution by Dumping wastes and other matter(London Convention) Objective: To prevent indiscriminate disposal at sea of wastes liable to create hazards to human health, marine life, and flora fauna. Black list of wastes to be prevented in toto
RTI, MUMBAI / DAY 1 / Slide Accord 3 International Convention for the prevention of Pollution from ships, 1973, as modified by the Protocol 1978(MARPOL 73/78) Objective: To eliminate pollution of sea by oil, Chemicals and other harmful substances which might be discharged in the course of operations and minimise the oil release.
RTI, MUMBAI / DAY 1 / Slide Accord 4 Convention on wet lands of International Importance especially as Water foul Habitat(Ramsar Convention) Objective: The conservation and wise use of wet lands by national action and international co-operation as a means to achieving sustainable development through the world
RTI, MUMBAI / DAY 1 / Slide Accord 5 Convention to Combat Desertification (CCD1994) Objective: To combat desertification and mitigate the effects of drought in countries experiencing serious drought and desertification through effective actions at all levels.
RTI, MUMBAI / DAY 1 / Slide Accord 6 Convention on Biological Diversity(CBD1992) Objective: To ensure the conservation of biological diversity and the sustainable use of its components and to promote fair and equitable sharing of the benefits arising out of the utilization of genetic resources.
RTI, MUMBAI / DAY 1 / Slide Accord 7 United Nations Frame work Convention on climate change(UNFCCC) Objective: To stabilise Green House gas concentration in the atmosphere at a level that would prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system, within a time frame.
RTI, MUMBAI / DAY 1 / Slide Accord 8 Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora(CITES,1973) Objective: To ensure through International Co-Operation, that the international trade in species of wild fauna and flora does not threaten survival of those species.
RTI, MUMBAI / DAY 1 / Slide Accord 9 Vienna Convention for Protection of OZONE Layer(1985), including the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the OZONE Layer(1987) Objective: To protect human health and the environment against adverse effects resulting or likely to result from human activities which modify the ozone layer
RTI, MUMBAI / DAY 1 / Slide Audit of Accords Audit Criteria:To effectively bring out the salient features the accords and their implementation to the notice of the Parliament. To procure competent, reliable and relevant audit evidence to establish the audit findings of the SAI
RTI, MUMBAI / DAY 1 / Slide Audit procedure Macro level analysis of the compliance by the country of the provisions of the accords. Legislation Enforcement Evaluation of the results Corrective action Reporting
RTI, MUMBAI / DAY 1 / Slide Audit Areas Internal control of the Ministry Responsibilities of the different authorities Establishment of a system for inspection to assess compliance with authorization and regulation Sanctions and their kinds Establishment of a Reporting system that ensures superior management control
RTI, MUMBAI / DAY 1 / Slide Audit queries Were Parliament aware of the stage of agreement of the Accord? Were any Impact assessment made before agreement Were advantages and disadvantages established? Were the obligations understood in the Agreement
RTI, MUMBAI / DAY 1 / Slide Audit queries (contd.) Have the social,economic and social effects and the cost of compliance well understood by the Country? Is there any provision to withdraw from the Agreement? Whether there is consultation with the stake holders?
RTI, MUMBAI / DAY 1 / Slide Audit queries (contd.) Is the legislation corresponding to the Accord signed? Are the responsibilities assigned and documented? Are Accords getting sufficient Budget allocation? Is the programme implemented getting duly monitored by the authorities? Are the obligations being met regularly through plans every year Are there any shortfalls in the commitments and are these monitored regularly.
RTI, MUMBAI / DAY 1 / Slide Audit Areas All the Agreements Progress Reports of the various programmes at national level, State Level and Project level Projects and programmes implementation details Extra expenditure, Nugatory expenditure excess staffing etc.
RTI, MUMBAI / DAY 1 / Slide VFM Type of Audit See that: The funds earmarked by the Parliament are spent fruitfully, There is no excess or saving in the Budget allocation In case of excess, regularisation In case of saving justification
RTI, MUMBAI / DAY 1 / Slide Audit (contd.) The targets and achievements are compared The achievements are measured Shortfalls are reported Corrective actions are taken Preventive actions are taken All the key players are coordinated
RTI, MUMBAI / DAY 1 / Slide 1.3.1