Bulk MEMS 2014, Part 1
Types of MEMS Bulk MEMS: anisotropic wet or DRIE of bulk silicon SOI MEMS: DRIE or wet etching of SOI wafers Surface MEMS: thin films on top of a wafer Integrated MEMS: CMOS and MEMS on same chip
Bulk MEMS: backside vs. front side machining
Surface MEMS imec-thin-packaged-mems.html "Physics and Technology of Silicon Carbide Devices", book edited by Yasuto Hijikata,
CMOS-MEMS a b b) single crystal silicon MEMS by backside DRIE a) thin film MEMS by front side dry plasma release;
Aspects of MEMS integration Bulk and SOI MEMS are highly 3D Bulk and SOI MEMS are often double sided DRIE & KOH etching Bonding often involved Package to accomodate moving parts
Wafer bonding direct bonding: Si/Si, glass/glass, PMMA/PMMA,…a.k.a. fusion bonding anodic bonding (AB): Si/glass, glass/Si/glass thermo-compression bonding (TCB): Au-Au eutectic bonding: Si/Au (363 o C) glass frit bonding: glass melting adhesive bonding: “glues” applied, any substrate
Basic requirements for bonding Wafers are flat (no centimeter scale wavyness) Wafer are smooth (not rough on atomic/nanometer scale) Materials form chemical bonds across their interface High stresses are avoided No interface bubbles develop
Alkaline anisotropic etchants EtchantKOHTMAH Rate (at 80 o C)1 µm/min0.5 Typical concentration40%25% Selectivity (100):(111)200:130:1 Selectivity Si:SiO 2 200:12000:1 Selectivity Si:Si 3 N :12000:1 Etch stop factor (10 20 cm -3 )
Membrane formation Nitride membrane; no timing needed Timed silicon membrane; thickness depends on etch rate and wafer thickness control. Thin membrane thickness control bad. SOI wafer, membrane thickness determined by SOI device layer thickness
Boron etch stop = highly doped silicon not etched in KOH
Piezoresistive pressure sensor Boron doped p++ membrane is a passive structure ! Active elements consist of the deposited polysilicon resistors.
Boron etch stop for AFM b a c a)oxide masked etching of tip; b)b) p++ boron doping on front side; c)KOH etching from backside, stopping on p++ layer.
Convex corner undercutting From: Maluf
Undercut by misorientation or design
Membrane structures by surface micromachining
Undercutting & corner compensation Without compensation With compensation Corner not sharp, but narrow slit Corner sharp but wide slits
Corner compensation structures
Etching mesas and pyramids H.Schröder, E. Obermeier, A. Horn, G. Wachutka, Convex Corner Undercutting of {100} Silicon in Anisotropic KOH Etching, J. Microelectromechanical Systems, v. 10 (1) March 2001, p.88 Mask undercut will lead eventually to a pyramid
20% KOH 100 um 20% KOH + 5% IPA 100 um Adding IPA reduces the underetch, and similarly many surfactants change crystal plane selectivity Undercutting depends on exact etch chemistry and conditions
Peeling mask Figure 20.4 a b Fig Also known as nested mask
Thermal pressure sensor (2) heat sink heater resistor thermopile nitride p0p0 p0p0 p1p1
Thermal pressure sensor (2)
Membrane formation Nitride membrane; no timing needed Timed silicon membrane; thickness depends on etch rate and wafer thickness control. Thin membrane thickness control bad. SOI wafer, membrane thickness determined by SOI device layer thickness
Piezoresistive pressure sensor Boron doped p++ membrane is a passive structure ! Active elements consist of the deposited polysilicon resistors.
Micro hot plate: nitride membrane Pt heater Nitride Pt measurement electrodes sensor material oxide