The Earth’s Structure Continental Drift Divergent Plate Boundaries Convergent & Transform Miscellaneous Plate Tectonics Final Jeopardy Final Jeopardy
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ANSWER: The thickest of all the Earth’s layers.ANSWER: The thickest of all the Earth’s layers. QUESTION: What is the mantle?QUESTION: What is the mantle?
ANSWER: The Earth layer that makes up tectonic plates.ANSWER: The Earth layer that makes up tectonic plates. QUESTION: What is the lithosphere?QUESTION: What is the lithosphere?
ANSWER: The two metals that make up the inner core.ANSWER: The two metals that make up the inner core. QUESTION: What are iron and nickel?QUESTION: What are iron and nickel?
ANSWER: The process in the asthenosphere that is responsible for plate movements.ANSWER: The process in the asthenosphere that is responsible for plate movements. QUESTION: What is convection currents?QUESTION: What is convection currents?
ANSWER: Name the Earth’s 6 layers alphabetically.ANSWER: Name the Earth’s 6 layers alphabetically. QUESTION: What is asthenosphere, crust, inner core, lithosphere, mantle, and outer core?QUESTION: What is asthenosphere, crust, inner core, lithosphere, mantle, and outer core?
ANSWER: Huge underwater mountain ranges.ANSWER: Huge underwater mountain ranges. QUESTION: What are mid-ocean ridges?QUESTION: What are mid-ocean ridges?
ANSWER: The name of the supercontinent when all continents were joined.ANSWER: The name of the supercontinent when all continents were joined. QUESTION: What is Pangaea?QUESTION: What is Pangaea?
ANSWER: The “father” of the theory of continental drift.ANSWER: The “father” of the theory of continental drift. QUESTION: Who is Alfred Wegener?QUESTION: Who is Alfred Wegener?
ANSWER: The fossilized reptile discovered in South America and western Africa that supported continental drift.ANSWER: The fossilized reptile discovered in South America and western Africa that supported continental drift. QUESTION: What is the Mesosaurus?QUESTION: What is the Mesosaurus?
ANSWER: 3 pieces of evidence for the theory of continental drift.ANSWER: 3 pieces of evidence for the theory of continental drift. QUESTION: What is climate, fossils, and geology?QUESTION: What is climate, fossils, and geology?
ANSWER:ANSWER: The other term for a divergent boundary in the ocean. The other term for a divergent boundary in the ocean. QUESTION:QUESTION: What is a spreading center? What is a spreading center?
ANSWER: This is where hot rock rises from the mantle away from a plate boundary.ANSWER: This is where hot rock rises from the mantle away from a plate boundary. QUESTION: What is a hot spot?QUESTION: What is a hot spot?
ANSWER: This is what happens to the crust at a divergent plate boundary.ANSWER: This is what happens to the crust at a divergent plate boundary. QUESTION: What is it forms?QUESTION: What is it forms?
ANSWER: When divergent plates spread this feature may result on land.ANSWER: When divergent plates spread this feature may result on land. QUESTION: What is a rift valley?QUESTION: What is a rift valley?
ANSWER: There are symmetrical patterns of this at mid-ocean ridges.ANSWER: There are symmetrical patterns of this at mid-ocean ridges. QUESTION: What are magnetic reversals?QUESTION: What are magnetic reversals?
ANSWER: This type of convergent plate boundary causes the plates to crumple and fold to make mountains. QUESTION: What is continental-continental collision?
ANSWER: 2 plates scrape past each other at this type of plate boundary. QUESTION: What is a transform plate boundary?
ANSWER: At this type of plate boundary crust is neither formed nor destroyed. QUESTION: What is a transform plate boundary?
ANSWER: The 3 types of convergent plate boundaries. QUESTION: What are continental-continental collision, oceanic-oceanic subduction, and oceanic-continental subduction?
ANSWER: Name 2 features that result from subduction boundaries. QUESTION: What is island arcs, deep-ocean trenches, and coastal mountains.
ANSWER: The type of plate boundary marked J. QUESTION: What is transform?
ANSWER: The layer marked by A. QUESTION: What is the lithosphere?
ANSWER: The feature represented by A. QUESTION: What is a subduction zone?
ANSWER: The feature represented by A. QUESTION: What is a mid-ocean ridge or spreading center?
ANSWER: The name of the tectonic plate marked by the arrow. QUESTION: What is the Juan de Fuca Plate?
ANSWER: The two sub-continents that made up the super-continent of Pangaea. QUESTION: What is Laurasia or Gondwanaland?