A Comparative View of the United States
1. What is social class? 2. How is an individual’s social class determined? 3. Do you believe an individual’s social class can change? Why or why not?
Social stratification refers to the division of a society into layers (or strata) whose occupants have unequal access to social opportunities and rewards. People in the top strata enjoy power, prosperity, and prestige that are not available to other members of society; people in the bottom strata endure penalties that other members of society escape. In a stratified society, inequality is part of the social structure and passes from one generation to the next.
Those based on ASCRIBED STATUS- ◦ Rigid classifications there is little to no social mobility (caste system of India) Those based on ACHIEVED STATUS- Individuals can moved between classes, their status can improve or decline. Change isn’t always easy, but boundaries are more fluid.
List ways Americans can move from one social class to another (this can be up or down): Jobs, Education, Marriage, Luck (Lottery, Gambling), Inheritance, Invention/Discovery, Effort, Geography, Addiction, Illness
People who occupy the same layer of the socioeconomic hierarchy are known as a social class. Often individuals rank closely to one another in wealth, power, and prestige. What are wealth, power, and prestige?
Weber believed social class could not be determined by one single factor. There were 3 factors that needed to be considered when determining social class: ◦ WEALTH-The value of a person’s total assets-income, property, assets ◦ POWER-The ability of people to achieve their goals, despite opposition from others (can be from a position they hold) ◦ PRESTIGE-The respect or regard a person holds and how it is regarded by others (fame, respect, honor)
1. Read the bios of each of an individual on the table. 2. How would you rank the individual in terms of wealth, power, and prestige? Make sure you justify your answer, in other words, support your opinion.
Create a paper with 3 columns, rank the 5 individuals in terms of wealth, power, and prestige. (This should be a decision reached by the group.) Wealth Power Prestige
1. What correlations do you see between power, wealth, and prestige? Why do you think this is? 2. Is it possible for a person to have one factor, but not other two? Why or why not? 3. What outside factors (aside from money and position) can impact a person’s wealth, power, and prestige? 4. Are there any positions that have all 3 (wealth, power, and prestige)? Why or why not? 5. Do you think these factors should be considered when determining an individual’s social class? Why or why not?
CONFLICT: Conflict theory argues that the basis of social stratification is found in conflict over some kind of scare resources. Social class is often determined by those who control the resources.
FUNCTIONALIST : Functionalist concern themselves with how a society can encourage the most qualified people to do the most important jobs. ◦ Class structure provides a motivating force, competition, and opportunities for individual success