GIS OUTREACH TO COUNTIES AND CITIES Richard Butgereit, GISP GIS Administrator 850-413-9907 Florida Division of Emergency Management Starts at 10:00 PM Eastern
Agenda FEMA Community Rating System USGS 3DEP program Hazardous Material Facilities data and tools Data sharing through ArcGIS Online groups, open data portals HAZUS Preparation for the 2015 Hurricane Season Statewide GIS coordination update
Community Rating System Danny Hinson, CFM, FPEM, State CRS Coordinator 850-544-8383
Community Rating System What is the Community Rating System (CRS) National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) CRS is a Voluntary part of the NFIP Provides reduced flood insurance premiums where there is better floodplain management! Stress CRS awards or recognizes better floodplain management above and beyond NFIP
Community Rating System Florida CRS Initiative Assist Community CRS participation Conduct workshop(s) for community staff Seek additional credit points Liaison with FEMA Planning Publicize: Flood Insurance Premium Discount Describe our Florida CRS Initiative – talk about the discount but also what are communities doing to ensure the savings is justified.
Community Rating System CRS Benefits Florida: $190 million / annual savings Only 45% FL communities participating! Nationally: $360 million / annual savings Only 6% participating! Great example of savings the NFIP is not collecting so are our CRS communities implementing higher standards etc.,
Community Rating System Review CRS Goals Reduce and avoid flood damage to insurable property Strengthen and support the insurance aspects of the NFIP Foster comprehensive floodplain management Make sure CRS is not asking for communities to become an insurance agent, but there are easy insurance outreach options. Stress CRS is above and beyond NFIP, if you want to be simply compliant, CRS may not be where you want to spend time but remember, the savings.
Community Rating System Class Points SFHA Non‑SFHA PRP 1 4,500 45% 10% 0 2 4,000 40% 10% 0 3 3,500 35% 10% 0 4 3,000 30% 10% 0 5 2,500 25% 10% 0 6 2,000 20% 10% 0 7 1,500 15% 5% 0 8 1,000 10% 5% 0 9 500 5% 5% 0 10 < 500 0 0 0 Describe Florida has 17 Class 5 communities.
Community Rating System Describe Florida has 17 Class 5 communities.
CRS Activities These are the activities, they require time to collect the documentation, but our FL CRS Staff can make a difference and are available to assist. Describe there are activities Florida communities enforce that automatically secure CRS points, such as our Florida Building Code…..
FEMA Community Rating System NFIP Coordinator’s manual library/assets/documents/8768 Ferguson, Tracey. (2013). Community Rating System Webinars Mapping Credits [PowerPoint slides]. Retrieved from fas/nfip/crs/Links/doc/DWR_CRSWebinar_320 _410_440_MappingCredits_Presentation.pdf
FEMA Community Rating System GIS Data and Services Credits Activity 320 - Map Information Service (max 90 points) Activity 410 - Floodplain Mapping (max 410) Activity 440 - Flood Data Maintenance (max 222 points)
Activity 320 – Map Information Service Credit is assigned for providing inquirers information from the community’s Flood Insurance Rate Map. 321.b Activity Credit Criteria To receive the credit the community must (1) Receive credit for reading the FIRM for inquirers (2) Locate a property based on a street address (3) Volunteer the information to the inquirer (4) Provide an opportunity to ask questions (5) Respond in a reasonable amount of time (6) Publicize the service at least annually (7) Update the base FIRM at least annually (8) Keep all FIRMs issued since 1999 (9) Keep a record of the service
Activity 410 - Floodplain Mapping Objective: Improve the quality of mapping used to regulate floodplain development Credit is for: Using data not provided by FEMA Data prepared to a higher study standard, and/or Sharing in the cost of a Flood Insurance Study
Activity 440 – Flood Data maintenance Objective: Make community floodplain data more accessible, current, useful, and/or accurate Credit is for: GIS or other digital mapping Database management program Map overlays
Activity 440 – Flood Data maintenance AMD1 = 20 for showing (prerequisite for the rest): 1. SFHA boundaries 2. Corporate limits 3. Streets 4. Parcel or lot boundaries AMD2: buildings footprints AMD3: floodways or coastal high hazard areas AMD4: base flood elevations AMD5: FIRM zone names AMD6: 500-year flood data AMD7: other natural hazards AMD8: topographic information AMD9: flood data in tax data base AMD10: old FIRM layers
Activity 440 – Flood Data maintenance AMD11: regulation/mitigation data AMD12: natural floodplain functions AMD13: building elevation data Additionally Copies of old FIRMS, FIS, floodway maps Additional credit for Flood Hazard Boundary Maps Benchmark maintenance Continuously Operating Reference Stations (CORS)
Flood Risk Information System
Flood Risk Information System
USGS 3DEP Program The 3D Elevation Program (3DEP) initiative is being developed to respond to growing needs for high-quality topographic data and for a wide range of other three-dimensional representations of the Nation's natural and constructed features. The primary goal of 3DEP is to systematically collect enhanced elevation data in the form of high-quality light detection and ranging (LiDAR) data. First round of awards resulting from the Broad Area Announcement (BAA) initially issued on July 18, 2014. The BAA is a publicly accessible process to develop partnerships for the collection of LiDAR and derived elevation data for 3DEP. The Fiscal Year 2015 Awards offered partnership funding to 29 proposals in 26 States and Territories. The FY15 body of work is expected to result in the influx of more than 95,000 square miles of public domain LIDAR point cloud data and derived elevation products into the 3DEP program.
USGS 3DEP Program Planning for the next 3DEP BAA cycle is underway. To increase awareness and enable stakeholders to prepare in advance for the BAA opportunity, USGS National Geospatial Program is conducting a series of public webinars and workshops. 6/25/15 - Florida, Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands 3DEP Broad Agency Announcement Public Workshop, Orlando, FL 1 PM to 4 PM EDT s/StateRegionalWorkshops Submit your project through the 3DEP Pre BAA - Public Areas of Interest Project Collector Tool
Hazardous Material Facilities Data Local Emergency Planning Councils and some counties actively involved in hazardous material facilities Hazards Analysis EPA CAMEO tool ( being used to organize information and conduct hazards analysis Data being loaded to FDEM/SERT SharePoint Statewide enterprise geodatabase under development by FDEM
Hazardous Material Facilities Tools ESRI CAMEO to GIS tool ( government/help/cameo-tools) now available Export zip file from CAMEO, run tool, and export to geodatabase with facilities feature class and buffered vulnerable zones feature class; relationship classes with chemical inventory, contacts, attachments, and more… Requires ArcGIS Standard or Advanced to create data
Hazardous Material Facilities Visualization EM Constellation – SERT GATOR EM Constellation for Exercises – SERT GATORx Geoportal (ArcGIS Online) map image layer web map mobile web app
FloridaDisaster.Org Geoportal ArcGIS Online organizational account for FDEM and SERT
FloridaDisaster.Org Geoportal
FloridaDisaster.Org Geoportal
FloridaDisaster.Org Geoportal ArcGIS Online organizational account for FDEM and SERT
FloridaDisaster.Org Geodata ArcGIS Online open data portal FDEM and SERT
FloridaDisaster.Org Geodata
FloridaDisaster.Org Geodata
FloridaDisaster.Org Geodata
FloridaDisaster.Org Geodata
FloridaDisaster.Org Geodata
HAZUS!forum/flhug SHRUG ListServe
HAZUS Challenges 2010 demographics (from previous tract-level only update effort with FEMA for HAZUS 2.1, out-of-the box for HAZUS 2.2 good for both block and tract-level analyses) 2015 essential facilities from FDEM Critical Facilities Inventory (HAZUS 2.1 will not update medical facilities) INT vs. BIGINT problem when conducting statewide runs HAZUS 2.2 SP 01 now out, testing underway
2015 Statewide Hurricane Exercise
Storm Surge Inundation
Storm Surge Inundation
Storm Surge Inundation
Bunnell, Flagler County, Florida NOAA Category 5 (SLOSH MOMs) Storm Surge Inundation
Bunnell, Flagler County, Florida FL Regional Planning Councils/FDEM Storm Surge Inundation Depth
Bunnell, Flagler County, Florida Flagler County Evacuation Zones - note designated evacuation zones do not include areas identified by NHC as at risk
Bunnell, Flagler County, Florida NOAA Category 5 (SLOSH MOMs) Storm Surge Inundation - in coastal area alone, could be as much as 28,000 more residents affected by surge
Ponte Vedra, Duval and St. Johns Counties County, Florida NOAA Category 5 (SLOSH MOMs) Storm Surge Inundation
Ponte Vedra, Duval and St. Johns Counties, Florida FL Regional Planning Councils/FDEM Storm Surge Inundation Depth
Titusville, Brevard County, Florida NOAA Category 5 (SLOSH MOMs) Storm Surge Inundation
Titusville, Brevard County, Florida FL Regional Planning Councils/FDEM Storm Surge Inundation Depth
http://floridadisaster. maps. arcgis
Statewide GIS Coordination History See Current activities Agency for State Technology has organized a GIS coordination working group Meet last week, meeting again next week Will probably work with state agencies first Potential Activities Enterprise licensing for software Map statewide data touch points, movement, and interactions Establish a Florida GIS portal – links to existing Florida data sets Share data - reduce duplication of collection and storage Mechanism for very large LiDAR data (space from duplication reduction?) Creation of standards for data quality and architecture Promote adoption of standards for consistency and improved data sharing Potential to leverage ArcGIS Online data site? (Open Data) Establish/expand GIS clearinghouse(s) Creation of central coordinating entity to take advantage of federal grants Implications of grant administration Implications of matching funds Obtain funding to invest in GIS infrastructure Kayren M. McIntyre, PMP 850-412-6056
Richard Butgereit, GISP FDEM GIS Richard Butgereit, GISP GIS Administrator 850-413-9907 Florida Division of Emergency Management